Editorial guidelines for contributors

We do not want this section to be a disincentive for anyone wishing to write and share their writing with us, or who wishes to publish with Orinoco Tribune. We are firm believers that in order to make your voice heard and to express yourself, you do not have to be an intellectual or to have dozens of titles or PhDs—although we’re not against that either.

Before submitting your writing to Orinoco Tribune, we suggest that you first become our reader, and if you agree with our editorial line and comply with the following minimum standards, feel free to share your writing with us:

1- Quality: check over your writing two or three times before sending it to us. Look for typos, grammatical mistakes or ideas that are not properly completed or formulated.

2- Do not include criticism of the kind you find in mainstream media about Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, Syria, Iran, North Korea, China, Russia, or any other country that is not submissive to US imperialism. This applies to past or present leaders of these countries. We respect and accept criticism—constructive criticism that is intended to improve world affairs.

3- Do not ask us to re-publish old pre-published pieces. Our rule is that we will only post opinion pieces that are no more than seven days older than when they were first published.

4- We have a database of contributing authors. In order to be included you should have previously published at least three opinion pieces with us.

5- We do not accept content using hate speech or glorifying:

• Fascism
• Antisemitism (anti-Zionism is welcomed)
• Homophobia
• Racism
• Sexism
• Machismo
• Russophobia or Sinophobia
• Xenophobia
• Anticommunism

Submitting your opinion pieces does not mean that your article will be published. Sometimes the timing for the particular issue is not relevant, or the above prerequisites are not met, or our queue of opinion pieces to be published does not allow us to add more articles.

All our content uses the Creative Common 4.0 license, meaning that it is possible to share it on commercial and non commercial websites, and all we ask is for it to reference our website and the authors properly.

Creative Commons licenses work as “Some rights reserved” rule instead of “All rights reserved” rule… Attribution 4.0 – This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. This is the most accommodating of licenses offered by Creative Commons.

We do not have enough staffing yet to respond to all your emails, but rest assured that we read all our emails and “contact us” submission messages. For that same reason we—at this time—cannot notify you of the posting of a piece, or for the reason for not posting a piece, or similar inquiries. But we want you to know that in normal circumstances we do not take more than 48-72 hours to publish an opinion piece that meets all the above criteria.

Sometimes we may reach out to you with some recommendations for edits to the content you submitted, in the case that we consider the piece relevant, but in need of some adjustments to satisfy the above prerequisites, or any other issue we might find.

In order to submit a contribution to Orinoco Tribune, please visit our Contact Us page and include the article with your message. Select “Contributing” as a category.


NOTE: The views expressed in all OPINION articles are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect those of the Orinoco Tribune editorial staff.


Caracas, May 16, 2021

version 0.2.9


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