LIVE UPDATE PART 2 – NOV 11 9:55PM Coup D’etat in Bolivia – Evo Fights Back

Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
Monday Nov 11 02:15pm (Caracas time)
Yuri Calderon, the head of the Bolivian National Police has resigned.
BREAKING: Bolivian media reports that Yuri Calderón, Commander of the National Police, has resigned. Calderón played a role in the coup against President Evo Morales yesterday, and had called for the President’s resignation. @teleSURenglish
— Camila (@camilateleSUR) November 11, 2019
In Washington DC, a protest against the OAS role in enabling a military coup against Bolivia.
En la sede de la OEA en Washington están reclamando el papel que Almagro y amigos jugaron en el golpe de Estado en Bolivia. Hasta en la capital del imperio se lee “El mundo está con Evo”. #Bolivia — Alina Duarte (@AlinaDuarte_) November 11, 2019
Latin America scholar Greg Grandin weighs in on the attack on Morales, Bolivia and democracy in Latin America.
pro tip 1: there has never been a coup in Latin America where the president being overthrown wasn’t, um, “problematic.” (yes, not even Allende)
— Greg (@GregGrandin) November 11, 2019
Marco Teruggi is covering popular mobilization against this coup in El Alto.
La gente sale a enfrentar el Golpe de Estado en El Alto y varios puntos de La Paz. Necesitamos transmitir, ya casi no quedan medios de comunicación y los golpistas cuentan con el respaldo de los gobiernos de derecha, la OEA, EEUU y sus grandes medios. #RespaldoTotalAEvo#11Nov — Marco Teruggi (@Marco_Teruggi) November 11, 2019
Monday Nov 11 3:25pm (Caracas time)
Bolivian police chant “Respect the police” as they cut the Wiphala (indigenous flag approved by law) out of their insignia.
Policías amotinados rompen de su uniforme la bandera Wipala. Los hechos de racismo protagonizaron el intento de golpe durante los enfrentamientos del 2008. El comandante de la fuerza policial pido la detención del Presidente.Leer:
— ANRed #25Años (@Red__Accion) November 11, 2019
The mobilization in El Alto is taking casualties as can be seen in this video clip.
📹La represión que está sufriendo el pueblo boliviano es real, ¡RESISTAN! Por favor ayudemos a romper el cerco mediático y difundamos 🔄 ¡No al Golpe de Estado en Bolivia 🇧🇴!@ChalecosAmarill @ElMachoAguero @rhm1947#ElMundoConEvo#RespaldoTotalAEvo#PatriaGrandeSomosMillones — 𝕱𝖑𝖔𝖗 𝖞 𝕮𝖆𝖓𝖙𝖔 🌺 (@FloryCantoX) November 11, 2019
Evo Morales is posting today, a relief, about the counter offensive of the people.
Agradezco a nombre de mi pueblo las muestras espontáneas de apoyo a nuestro gobierno democrático que fue derrocado por el golpe cívico-político-policial que ha instaurado en Bolivia un régimen de facto apoyado en la violencia y la represión. #NoAlGolpeEnBolivia
— Evo Morales Ayma (@evoespueblo) November 11, 2019
Monday Nov 11, 4:55pm (Caracas time)
Venezuelan news outlet “La Tabla” presented evidence of General Vladimir Yuri Calderon, Head of National Police in Bolivia being Police Attache in Washington until 2018, coincidence or another evidence of Washington’s roll in the coup.
While right wingers try to find a way to make digestable the coup accusing Evo and his allies of “breaking’ the chain of succession when in reality those resignations are a response to the fascist aggression against Evo Morales’ political allies, against them and their families and properties, and while MSM keeps trying to present the coup just like “another president resigning”, the humble Bolivians have started their resistance and the process of bringing Evo Morales back.
Enraged Bolivians on the streets…#EvoIsCommingBack #EvoElMundoContigo #EvoPresidenteLegitimo
— Orinoco Tribune (@OrinocoTribune) November 11, 2019
The city of El Alto, Bolivia is mobilizing against the coup and its authors. They march with the Wiphala in hand and with MAS-IPSP flags hanging high. 📹 @Marco_Teruggi
— Camila (@camilateleSUR) November 11, 2019
El Alto is “massively” on the streets now and history has taught us that when that happens they won’t stop until they reach their objective.
El Alto is on the streets now…and history says that when that happens no one stops them….VIVA EVO!!!!
— Orinoco Tribune (@OrinocoTribune) November 11, 2019
The police that 48 hours ago said they wont use their weapons against the people have started the repression but that is not stopping the people’s uprising demanding the return of Evo Morales.
URGENTE | Hombres armados de la Policía Boliviana reprimen con armas de fuego a manifestantes masistas en #ElAlto #11Nov #EvoElMundoEstaContigo #EvoNoEstaSolo #ElMundoConEvo #GolpeDeEstadoBolivia #BoliviaResiste #EvoPresidenteLegitimo #EvoElMundoContigo
— Érika Ortega Sanoja (@ErikaOSanoja) November 11, 2019
The government of Spain condemned the participation of the army and the police in the political crisis in Bolivia, “suggesting” he should resign.
El Gobierno español condenó este lunes la participación de las Fuerzas Armadas y la Policía bolivianas en la crisis política del país andino al sugerir a Evo Morales que renunciara a la presidencia del país.
Para el Ministerio de Exteriores, «e…
— ABC Internacional (@abc_mundo) November 11, 2019
Monday Nov 11, 9:55pm (Caracas time)
Today in different capitals of the world there have been solidarity mobilizations against the Coup and in support of Evo Morales. Simultaneously several leaders like Jose Miguel Insulza and Rafael Correa have call the situation in Bolivia without euphemisms: a Coup D’etat.
Chile’s Insulza, former OAS Secretary General, an not very progressive says it as it it: What happened in Bolivia is a COUP D’ETAT #EvoPresidenteLegitimo #EvoElMundoEstaContigo
— Orinoco Tribune (@OrinocoTribune) November 11, 2019
‘If Evo #Morales did not resign, there would have been a bloodbath because there was no public order’
— RT (@RT_com) November 11, 2019
Solidarity in LA
US imperialism has got to go! Over 100 people are protesting the criminal coup at the Bolivian consulate in LA! ¡Evo, eschuca, estamos en la lucha!
— Abby Martin (@AbbyMartin) November 12, 2019
Solidarity in Buenos Aires
🇦🇷 #Argentina: Em Buenos Aires, grande manifestação em repúdio ao golpe de Estado na Bolívia e em apoio ao governo de Evo Morales. Lideranças de movimentos sociais e a comunidade boliviana participaram da marcha que caminhou do Obelisco à Embaixada da Bolívia.
📸 @emergentemedio— Mídia NINJA (@MidiaNINJA) November 12, 2019
Meanwhile the Bolivian people remained in the streets of La Paz with a clear rage spirit and NOW the police and even the military are deployed in the streets to PROTECT (capitalization is ours).
The rage of the Bolivian women as a result of fascism and burning of whipalas (racism)…indigenous people demanding the return of Evo in La Paz already while the right-wingers are in retreat mode…
— Orinoco Tribune (@OrinocoTribune) November 11, 2019
Bolivian soldiers are in the street to prop up the right-wing coup regime.
Anyone denying that this is a coup should be recognized as what they are: a dishonest propagandist
— Ben Norton (@BenjaminNorton) November 12, 2019
📹 | Following an order by the Head of the Armed Forces, soldiers are now on the streets of #Bolivia‘s La Paz city
▪️Local sources say that warplanes are circling over the city as
— EHA News (@eha_news) November 12, 2019
One of the biggest Union announce an State of Emergency to fight the coup d’etat.
Campesino movement #Bolivia: Before and today they want to massacre again the Bolivian people.Enough is Enough.We have been pacifists but you passed the limits. We declared ourselves in #StateofEmergency . We have oust dictators before and today a little fascist wont direct us.
— Orinoco Tribune (@OrinocoTribune) November 11, 2019
A few minutes ago Evo Morales posted several tweets on his twitter account. In one of them he shows how he slept the previous night after they forced him to resign and in the other he informs that he is on his way to Mexico and saying that he soon will be back with more strength and energy.
This is how I spent my first night after BEING FORCED to resign by Mesa and Camacho with the help of the Police. I remembered old times as union leader. Very thankful to my brothers of the Tropico federations in Cochabamba for giving us security and care.
— Orinoco Tribune (@OrinocoTribune) November 12, 2019
Evo Morales: sisters and brothers, I’m on my way to Mexico, grateful for the detachment of the government of that fellow people who gave us asylum to take care of our lives. It hurts me to leave the country for political reasons…Soon I will return with more strength and energy
— MV English (@MV_Eng) November 12, 2019