Venezuelan Boeing 747-300, belonging to Venezuelan state cargo airline EMTRASUR. Photo: File photo.
Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
Venezuelan Boeing 747-300, belonging to Venezuelan state cargo airline EMTRASUR. Photo: File photo.
The Central de Trabajadores de Argentina Autónoma (Argentine Workers’ Central Union, or CTA) expressed its solidarity with Venezuela and its “absolute rejection” of the “political, media, and judicial operation” against the airplane of the Aerocargo del Sur Transport Company (EMTRASUR), and its crew, in Argentina.
The information was released by the Argentinian union this Wednesday, August 11, through a statement detailing their position regarding the judicial plot set up in Argentina against the plane and its Iranian and Venezuelan crew, arbitrarily detained.
La @CTAAutonoma expresa su solidaridad con Venezuela y manifiesta su repudio absoluto a la operación política, mediática y judicial que avala la detención arbitraria de trabajadores iraníes y venezolanos en nuestro país, así como la retención del avión.#BastaDeLawfare pic.twitter.com/Ffjsby3TQD
— CTA Internacional (@CTAGlobal) August 10, 2022
Through the statement published on its Twitter account, the Argentinian union denounced that the judicial maneuvers are being carried out in response to “local and external political interests, in tune with the strategy of the United States and Israel.”
Since June, the EMTRASUR plane has been illegally grounded in Buenos Aires, despite the fact that “there is no well-founded accusation against any of the affected companies and no irregularities were found during the investigations,” as CTA wrote.
The seizure of the plane is due to the fact that the judge handling the case “leaked information to the media aligned with the agenda of these foreign interests,” continues the statement, and as a consequence a court in Washington, DC, United States, requested that the plane be confiscated.
Communiqué from the Central of Workers of Argentina
Below is the full text of the statement issued by the Central de Trabajadores de Argentina:
From CTA Autonoma, we stand in solidarity with the people and government of Venezuela, in the face of a new round of attacks and judicial and diplomatic harassment. On this occasion, we regret that our country has been the stage for this type of operation.
RELATED CONTENT: Who Is Judge Federico Villena, Hijacker of Venezuela’s EMTRASUR Plane in Argentina?
Since June, the Federal Court of Argentina has kept the plane owned by EMTRASUR, a subsidiary company of the Venezuelan Consortium of Aeronautical Industries and Air Services (Conviasa), immobilized without any justification. The only possible explanation is a response to local and external political interests, in tune with the strategy of the United States and Israel.
In the judicial file, there is no well-founded accusation against any of the affected companies and no irregularities were found during the investigations. However, the judge handling the case advanced without any support and leaked information to the media aligned with the agenda of these foreign interests. These actions are one more example of the coordination between the media, judicial operators and officials, and political actors. The substantial difference is that on this occasion, this operation served to make our country an instrument for global disputes, serving to harass a brother country.
From CTA Autónoma, we stand in solidarity with the Venezuelan people and their government, headed by comrade President Nicolás Maduro Moros. We repudiate and will not tolerate the actions of those local sectors that willingly serve external interference and the violation of the sovereignty of our people and of a brother people. We demand that this campaign of harassment be lifted once and for all, and that the EMTRASUR plane be allowed to resume its activities and be able to leave our territory once and for all.
-Adolfo Aguirre, Secretary of International Relations of the CTA Autonoma
–Ricardo Peidro, General Secretary of the Autonomous CTA
What is known about the case?
• The Boeing 747 Dreamliner, Venezuelan registration YV3531, is being held at Ezeiza International Airport in Buenos Aires.
• The aircraft belongs to the Venezuelan state-owned company EMTRASUR and was recently acquired from the Iranian airline Mahan Air.
• The plane carried 19 crew members , including 14 Venezuelans and five Iranians.
• In the two inspections and investigations that were made of the plane, no relevant elements were found to open an investigation.
• The Argentinian justice alleges that it is waiting for reports to arrive from the United States, Uruguay, Venezuela, Aruba, and the Dominican Republic to solve the case.
• The case of the Venezuelan plane and its crew is being handled by Judge Federico Villena.
• A court in Washington, DC, asked Argentina to confiscate the plane for the alleged violation of US export laws.
Translation: Orinoco Tribune