Dogs and Cats Enjoy Carnival in Caracas

Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
Mision Nevado is a social program launched in Venezuela by President Maduro five years ago to provide assistance for free to street and non street dogs, cats and pets in general, also to promote adoption programs for these animals and to educate the public about the importance of taking care of these animals.
The economic crisis provoked mainly by the US aggression against Venezuela has made their work incredibly harder but they keep working to improve the quality of life of these animal and their human companions.
RELATED CONTENT: President Maduro Congratulates Mision Nevado for its Work
Yesterday Mision Nevado organized a competition to choose the best pet costume in the framework of the Carnivals that are being celebrated in Venezuela until tomorrow March the 5th. The event was held in La Candelaria Square in Caracas and was a complete success.
We want to share with you some of the photos taken during the activity by the Venezuelan social network activist Luigino Bracci (@lubrio). The pets enjoyed free medical attention and beauty assistance during the event, too.