Different military commanders spoke on Wednesday on social networks in support of the Constitutional President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro; to the Bolivarian Constitution, as well as in rejection of the pretensions of the deputy Juan Guaidó to become president in charge of Venezuela.
The Minister of Defense, General in Chief Vladimir Padrino López, said via Twitter that “despair and intolerance threaten the peace of the Nation. The soldiers of the Homeland do not accept a president imposed in the shadow of obscure interests or self-proclaimed outside the law. The FANB defends our Constitution and is guarantor of national sovereignty.”
El desespero y la intolerancia atentan contra la paz de la Nación. Los soldados de la Patria no aceptamos a un presidente impuesto a la sombra de oscuros intereses ni autoproclamado al margen de la Ley. La FANB defiende nuestra Constitución y es garante de la soberanía nacional.
— Vladimir Padrino L. (@vladimirpadrino) January 23, 2019
For his part, the Head of the Operational Strategic Command (Ceofanb), Admiral Chief Remigio Ceballos, said: “The FANB is united with the Venezuelan people. We are respectful of the Constitution and the Laws. Venezuela elected President, we are sovereign and loyal to our Commander in Chief, Nicolás Maduro Moros. Traitors, do not continue from abroad to disrespect the Homeland! We will fight and we will win!”
La FANB está unida al Pueblo Venezolano somos respetuosos de la Constitución y las Ley. Venezuela eligió Presidente, somos Soberanos y Leales a nuestro Cmdte en Jefe Nicolás Maduro Moros. Traidores no sigan desde el extranjero irrespetando a la Patria, Lucharemos y Venceremos! https://t.co/h3W8SiVu5H
— A/J REMIGIO CEBALLOS (@CeballosIchaso) January 23, 2019
The commander of the Army, Jesús Suárez Chourio, wrote: “We will never betray the will of the People. The men and women of the #FANB, we ratify absolute loyalty to the Constitution and our commander Nicolás Maduro, Constitutional President of the Bolivarian Republic”.
Jamás traicionaremos la voluntad del Pueblo. Los hombres y mujeres de la #FANB, ratificamos absoluta lealtad a la Constitución y a nuestro CJ. @NicolasMaduro, Presidente Constitucional de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela. https://t.co/AusQ9yRgPD
— Jesús Suárez Chourio (@JSuarezChourio) January 23, 2019
Meanwhile, the Bolivarian Military Aviation also showed its loyalty to the Commander in Chief, Nicolás Maduro, by means of a message posted on the digital network, in which it states: “Commander in Chief Nicolás Maduro: Bolivarian National Armed Force under your command! Maximum loyalty! Maximum discipline! This fight is going to be win,” in addition to the hashtag #LealesSiempreTraidoresNunca.
CJ @NicolasMaduro: ¡Fuerza Armada Nacional Bolivariana a mi mando!: ¡Máxima lealtad! ¡Máxima disciplina! Esta lucha la vamos a vencer. #LealesSiempreTraidoresNunca pic.twitter.com/vKj5EwQekO
— AVIACIÓN MILITAR (@AviacionFANB) January 23, 2019
On the other hand the Commander of Redi Capital, Alexis Rodríguez, expressed support for Commander in Chief Nicolás Maduro, “as a legacy of our Supreme Commander and under his instructions as legitimate president, we are obliged to use arms to defend our people, social guarantees and peace, not at the service of a group of oligarchs who seek to confuse. Long live Chávez,” he wrote.
“From the @ArmadaFANB ratify our attachment to the Constitution and Loyalty to our Commander in Chief @NicolasMaduro for the period 2019 – 2025 Constitutional President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela,” tweeted the official account of the Navy.
Desde la @ArmadaFANB ratificamos nuestro apego a la Constitución y la Lealtad a nuestro Comandante en Jefe @NicolasMaduro para el periodo 2019 – 2025 Presidente Constitucional de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela. #LealesSiempreTraidoresNunca. @vladimirpadrino @CeballosIchaso pic.twitter.com/SYBgTYvEv2
— Armada Bolivariana (@ArmadaFANB) January 23, 2019
From the account of the Commander of the Integral Aerospace Defense of the Fanb (Codai_fanb) wrote: “We reject, in a firm and forceful manner, any act that violates our Constitution. We also ratify our commitment and loyalty to the Commander in Chief Nicolás Maduro, President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, elected by popular will.”
Desde el @CODAI_FANB rechazamos, de manera firme y contundente, todo acto que atente contra nuestra Constitución. Asimismo ratificamos nuestro compromiso y lealtad al CJ @NicolasMaduro, Presidente de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, electo por voluntad popular. pic.twitter.com/msvZiT6tyF
— CODAI (@CODAI_FANB) January 23, 2019
Translated by JRE/AR
- December 4, 2024