Entrance to the headquarters of the CNE in Caracas. Photo: Cronica Uno/File photo.
Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
Entrance to the headquarters of the CNE in Caracas. Photo: Cronica Uno/File photo.
Caracas, January 9, 2023 (OrinocoTribune.com)—This Monday, January 9, the president of the Venezuelan Parliament, Jorge Rodríguez, said that as a result of the constant dialogue with all sectors of the opposition, it will evaluate the proposal to elect a new executive board for the National Electoral Council (CNE).
“In the round of conversations that President Maduro undertook with different sectors of the opposition, in the private meetings that were held with representatives of the Unitary Platform, in some of these conversations, not a few, the proposal of the conformation of a new CNE board was presented,” Rodríguez said earlier today at a press conference. “This National Assembly, given that we participate in all these dialogue processes, will calmly and carefully consider these opposition proposals.”
🔴 Jorge Rodríguez afirmó que la AN considerará la propuesta de los distintos sectores de la Oposición de nombrar a un nuevo CNE de cara a los futuros procesos electorales. pic.twitter.com/QMqcltmk5Q
— 𝙋𝙤𝙡𝙞𝙖𝙣𝙖𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙘𝙖 (@polianalitica) January 9, 2023
This proposal was discussed during the dialogue between the government of Nicolás Maduro and opposition elements. Rodríguez opened up this new possibility of renewing the top authorities of Venezuela’s electoral body ahead of the upcoming 2023 presidential race.
Likewise, Rodríguez ruled out a possible paralysis of the talks between the Venezuelan government and the far-right opposition and expressed, on the contrary, the need for the agreements and points approved in Mexico to be fulfilled for the advancement of the dialogue.
“We are not going to play crazy with what was agreed,” Rodríguez said. “It has to be respected and fulfilled… Hopefully, as progress is made in the execution of this social agreement, the dialogue with this sector of the Venezuelan opposition will advance. We believe in the good faith of Gerardo Blyde and that what has been agreed must be fulfilled.”
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Rodríguez’s comments might be a reference to frozen assets that were supposed to be released by the US government, according to agreements reached in the prior round of the Mexico Talks. Venezuelan authorities have noted that those resources, illegally frozen by the White House, are still being awaited by the Venezuelan government.
When consulted by local new outlets about Rodríguez’s announcement, opposition politicians linked to the Democratic Alliance (the largest opposition group that is not part of the Unitary Platform, G4) disagreed with the idea of renewing the CNE board, and expressed their belief that the decision may be a response to a request by the Unitary Platform.
Currently, the CNE board is formed by two rectors close to Chavismo and two other rectors close to the opposition. The fifth rector, Tania D’Amelio, stepped down a few months ago in order to be appointed to Venezuela’s Supreme Court. The Democratic Alliance believes that the selection of her replacement is the only urgent need in terms of the renewal of electoral authorities in Venezuela.
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