Caracas (—The Venezuelan Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) announced its decisions in the cases of political disqualifications of seven far-right politicians who had submitted reconsideration appeals in December last year. The court lifted the disqualifications of five of those politicians, but ratified the disqualifications of Henrique Capriles and María Corina Machado.
The ruling of the TSJ, published on Friday, January 26, is based on total compliance with the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the decisions of the Barbados Agreement.
A few days after the signing of the Barbados agreement, on October 17, 2023, the TSJ opened a period until December 15, 2023, for the disqualified far-right politicians to request a reconsideration of the measure against them. The Venezuelan judicial authorities remarked at that time that the court’s decisions were going to be made in strict compliance with Venezuela’s rule of law and constitutional framework.
Disqualification of five politicians lifted
Leocenis García: The first politician whose disqualification was lifted by the TSJ’s Political-Administrative Chamber was Leocenis García, allowing him to return to political life, as contemplated in the Constitution. The ruling indicates that “the request for precautionary protection was presented within the framework of the mechanism established in the Barbados Agreement dated October 17, 2023; complying with the parameters and requirements agreed upon there.”
Richard Mardo: The TSJ also lifted the disqualification against the former deputy of the National Assembly and member of the Justice First (PJ) party, Richard Mardo.
Pablo Pérez Álvarez: The disqualification against the former governor of Zulia state, Pablo Pérez Álvarez, was also lifted by a ruling from the TSJ’s Political-Administrative Chamber. “Effects are suspended for the administrative act contained in Resolution No. 01-00-000181, dated June 10, 2015, issued by the Comptroller General of the Republic, which agreed as a sanction the… disqualification from the exercise of public functions, for a period of TEN (10) YEARS … of citizen Pablo Pérez Álvarez,” reads the ruling.
Daniel Ceballos: The Political-Administrative Chamber of the TSJ also ruled in favor of the former mayor of San Cristóbal, Daniel Ceballos, lifting the ban against him. “The Chamber ADMITS the claim for annulment. The request for precautionary protection that was presented within the framework of the mechanism established in the Barbados Agreement dated October 17, 2023, is VALID, complying with the parameters and requirements indicated therein. Consequently, citizen DANIEL OMAR CEBALLOS MORALES is QUALIFIED to exercise public functions,” the ruling announced.
Rosa Brandonisio de Scarano: The TSJ also lifted the disqualification of the former mayor of the San Diego municipality, Carababo state, and wife of Enzo Scarano, Rosa Brandonisio. “The effects of the administrative act contained in Resolution No. 01-00-000273 of May 3, 2017, issued by the COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE REPUBLIC, are SUSPENDED, through which it resolved to impose on the aforementioned citizen, in her capacity as Mayor of the San Diego Municipality of the State of Carabobo, the sanction of disqualification from the exercise of public functions for fifteen (15) years. The citizen ROSA BRANDONISIO DE SCARANO… is QUALIFIED to exercise public functions,” the ruling reads.
Capriles and Machado’s appeals rejected
After 4 p.m., the TSJ announced its decision in the case of the former presidential candidate and former governor of Miranda state, Henrique Capriles. The country’s highest court ratified the disqualification of 15 years that was imposed on the Justice First politician in 2017, for illegalities committed during his governorship. “The contested acts are DECLARED FIRM, and consequently, citizen HENRIQUE CAPRILES RADONSKI, according to Resolution No. 01-00-000239, dated April 6, 2017, REMAINS DISQUALIFIED FOR FIFTEEN (15) YEARS FROM EXERCISING FUNCTIONS PUBLIC,” the TSJ ruled.
Capriles never confirmed to the public whether he had presented any appeal to the TSJ or not. When the press consulted him about it, he only responded that he would discuss the matter with his lawyers.
Lo que nunca podrán inhabilitar es el sentimiento de CAMBIO de los venezolanos. El sueño de tener un país donde la Constitución y las leyes sean iguales y respetadas por todos. Donde el Gobierno se ocupe de darle bienestar y calidad de vida a la gente. Donde llegar a viejo sea un…
— Henrique Capriles R. (@hcapriles) January 26, 2024
Capriles reacted to the decision by posting the following message on social media: “What they will never be able to disqualify is the Venezuelans’ desire for change. The dream of having a country where the Constitution and laws are equal and respected by everyone. Where the government is in charge of ensuring well-being and quality of life of the people. Where becoming old is a reward and not a punishment. A democratic Venezuela for all, where all Venezuelans have opportunities and prosperity, where no one leaves and where those who left can return because their country is a land of well-being. Today more than ever, let nothing and no one take us off the electoral route. Of the exercise of the right to vote. That we Venezuelans have an alternative who can compete and can change the worst government in history. I will always be on the side of the most vulnerable. 2024 has to be the year of the Venezuelan People. This country will always be worth it.”
Almost an hour later the Political-Administrative Chamber of the TSJ also announced the ratification of María Corina Machado’s disqualification. In its ruling, the Chamber enumerated a series of criminal acts that the far-right politician has openly and publicly committed in recent years as an accomplish of Juan Guaidó, as a promoter of US-imposed illegal sanctions and blockade against Venezuela, as a leader who handed over CITGO Petroleum Corporation and Monómeros to foreign interests, as well as her acceptance to become a diplomatic representative of Panama at the OAS in 2014 that led to the loss of her seat in the National Assembly.
“…Given that this request does not comply with the requirements established and demanded in the Barbados Agreement signed on October 17, 2023, the citizen MARÍA CORINA MACHADO PARISCA remains DISQUALIFIED from exercising public functions for fifteen (15) years, according to Resolution number 01-00-000285, dated September 16, 2021, issued by the COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE REPUBLIC, an investigation that was initiated in May 2014 and where precautionary measures were taken, without prejudice to the criminal and pecuniary actions that her actions could lead to,” the TSJ ruling stated in reference to Machado.
María Corina Machado’s first reaction on social media was: “The regime decided to end the Barbados Agreement. What is NOT ending is our fight to conquer democracy through free and fair elections. Maduro and his criminal system chose the worst path for them: fraudulent elections. That is not going to happen.”
The last decision published by the TSJ was related to Vicencio Scarano Spisso, who also filed a claim for annulment of a 2017 disqualification decision. His appeal too was rejected by the TSJ. “The Chamber declares: Its COMPETENCE to hear the claim for annulment filed jointly with an action for constitutional precautionary protection, presented by the citizen VICENCIO SCARANO SPISSO… against the administrative act contained in Resolution number 01- 00-000135 dated February 17, 2017, issued by the COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE REPUBLIC, through which the sanction of Disqualification from the exercise of public functions was imposed, for a period of FIFTEEN (15) YEARS …. -INADMISSIBLE the lawsuit for res judicata. It is ORDERED to refer the file to the Constitutional Chamber of this Court, within the framework of the mechanism established in the Barbados Agreement dated October 17, 2023,” the decision reads.
Machado’s criminal record
María Corina Machado, who belongs to one of the richest oligarchical families in Venezuela, has been involved in most of the violent actions launched by the Venezuelan opposition since President Hugo Chávez’s times. During Juan Guaidó’s fake “interim government,” she openly called for more illegal sanctions and an international military occupation using the Responsibility to Protect imperialist doctrine at the Organization of American States (OAS).
In 2024, Machado has been named by several of those arrested in connection with the terrorist plots that were unveiled, in which former Venezuelan military officers, in collusion with the CIA and the DEA, had participated.
On Friday the president of the National Assembly, Jorge Rodríguez, revealed that the General Tomás Enrique Martínez Macías, one of those arrested for their role in the five coup attempts of 2023, was the logistical chief of the tours around the country carried out by María Corina Machado in 2023.
Martínez Macías was expelled from the Bolivarian National Armed Force (FANB) on January 23, along with 32 other soldiers in an event held at the Ministry of Defense headquarters in Tiuna Fort, Caracas.
Special for Orinoco Tribune by staff
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