ALBA-TCP Rejects Destabilization Attempts in Suriname

Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
ALBA-TCP warned that it is not the first time that they observe conservative minority forces ally with transnational interests to “propitiate the fall of a popular and independent government.”
The Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America – Peoples’ Trade Agreement (ALBA-TCP ) issued a statement Tuesday to categorically reject attempts of destabilization in Suriname.
In the Twitter account of the Venezuelan Foreign Affairs Minister, Jorge Arreaza, the text was published in which the member countries expressed their concern about the actions directed against President Dési Bouterse, which aim to “generate situations of instability and directly affect the electoral process of the next year”.
RELATED CONTENT: Suriname: Military Court Demands President’s Resignation
“We have observed with concern how a judicial process, in which all the corresponding legal measures have not yet been exhausted, is manipulated for political purposes to generate instability and prevent the nomination” of the president in the upcoming presidential elections of 2020.
#COMUNICADO | Los países miembros de la ALBA-TCP expresan su preocupación por los recientes intentos de desestabilización en la República de Surinam dirigidos contra el presidente Desiré Delano Bouterse, buscando afectar directamente el proceso electoral del próximo año.
— Jorge Arreaza M (@jaarreaza) December 3, 2019
In addition, they stressed that it is not the first time that they observe national conservative minority forces ally with transnational interests to use the judicialization of politics as a mechanism to “propitiate the fall of a popular and independent government and promote a restoration of neoliberal policies.”
The member states of ALBA-TCP denounced representatives from Germany, Spain, the United States (USA), France, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom [because they] will make unnecessary and irresponsible value judgments on the judicial action that is being taken, by attempting to influence the final verdict.
Consequently, the organ reiterated its rejection of “this pattern of interference, already characteristic in our region, and we ask that Suriname’s sovereignty, its institutions and the will of its people democratically expressed at the polls be respected.”
Featured image: Member countries expressed concern about actions directed against President Dési Bouterse and to affect the 2020 electoral process. | Photo: Reuters
Translated by JRE/EF