China Urges US to Reveal Details About Incident With Nuclear Sub in Int’l Indo-Pacific Waters

Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
On 2 October a US Navy nuclear-powered submarine stuck an object while operating in international waters in the Indo-Pacific region.
On 2 October a US Navy nuclear-powered submarine stuck an object while operating in international waters in the Indo-Pacific region.
China is deeply concerned about the incident with the US nuclear submarine in the international waters of the Indo-Pacific region, the foreign ministry’s spokesman, Zhao Lijian, said on Friday.
“China is seriously concerned over this incident,” Zhao said at a briefing.
Zhao Lijian stressed that the United States and other countries involved should provide relevant details, “including the exact location of the incident, the purpose of this trip, and details of what the submarine encountered”.
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A US Navy nuclear-powered submarine stuck an object while operating in international waters in the Indo-Pacific region, the Pacific Fleet Public Affairs Office said on Thursday.
The US Navy’s Pacific Fleet said that the submarine remained in safe and stable condition and that the nuclear propulsion plant remains unaffected and fully operational.
According to the Navy, 11 sailors received moderate to minor injuriesduring the incident.
The boat, which did not give distress signals, is moving towards the base in Guam and due to arrive there on Friday.
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