Guaido: Ricardo Hausmann New Representative to the Interamerican Development Bank

Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
Self-proclaimed Interim President of Venezuela, Juan Guaido after arriving in Venezuela today from a South American tour that took him to Colombia, Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina and Ecuador, announced his decision to appoint Ricardo Hausmann, a former Minister of Economy in the late 80’s when a neoliberal IMF shock program was implemented in Venezuela, as his representative to the Interamerican Development Bank.
Opositor @jguaido nombra a economista @ricardo_hausman representante de #Venezuela en el BID
— Reuters Venezuela (@ReutersVzla) March 5, 2019
The appointment was made in an unusual fashion, addressed to the Argentinian Minister of Revenue but also to the Head of the Board of Governors at the Interamerican Development Bank, Nicolas Dujovne. This bank is the most important of its kind in Latin America and is owned by 48 sovereign States, 26 of them with borrowing capacities and holding 50.02% of the shares. This development bank is the most important in the region and is connected to the Organization of American States (OAS) and functions in a very similar way to the World Bank.
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According to news agencies the board of governors never had to deal with a situation like this and is planning to discuss it this Friday in its ordinary meeting. Disregarding the legality of this appointment that was not even announced by the Guaido Media Office (his twitter account), it’s very important to highlight the resume of Ricardo Hausmann, and for that we use an excellent work prepared by Mision Verdad in 2015:
The so-called economic assassins do not usually wear black hoods and aim with pistols. They tend to study in the top universities of the imperial side of the world and are characterized by submitting to misery entire nations for a handful of dollars. Hausmann, financial conspirator against the Bolivarian Revolution, is undoubtedly an operator of high rank. Although he says he spends his “free time thinking about how to improve Venezuela,” his record shows that, when he has the first chance, he does not hesitate to deliver the sardines to the hungriest sharks (in reference to Ruben Blades song).
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From the cave of advertisers of chaos, macroeconomic adjustments and lobbyists of institutional looters came out Ricardo Hausmann. Today he serves as Director of the International Development Center at the Kennedy School of Harvard University, and also as a Professor of Economic Development Praxis at the Kennedy School of Government of the same university, as well as the George A. Cowan Chair of the Santa Fe Institute. His record supports his current curriculum.
Although a Venezuelan son of immigrants, he went far, to the University of Cornell, United States, to study Engineering and Applied Physics. Sooner than later he realized that his thing was to steal, so he decided to take a master’s and doctorate in Economics in the same university.
However, stealing is not for newborn fish either, so he decided to be a first level lobbyist, a calculating link between long-lived sharks and their prey holding power in Venezuela. This is how, back to his native country, he carried out research on the “Arepa model” at the Center for Development Studies of the Central University of Venezuela, which consisted of a rigid theory of public economic policy for the advanced oil industry in conjunction with the private sector. He went through the offices of the Presidential Office of Coordination and Planning (Cordiplan) during the government of Jaime Lusinchi (AD party President) as an intern. From then on, everything was profit.
Luis Herrera Campíns (former Venezuelan President from the political party COPEI) took him by the arm to act as Chief of Planning in the short term, with the “Black Friday” (day of a maxi-devaluation of the Bolivar that traumatized Venezuelan economy for decades) about to happen.
Recruited by the Roraima Group (commanded by Marcel Granier head of RCTV), he entered academic work at the Institute of Higher Studies in Management (Iesa) where he recruited other prospects of technocrats who are now frequented by the mediocracy to continue announcing the financial chaos to the detriment of the economic stability: Jose Gregorio Pineda (future chief economist Venacham), Francisco Rodriguez (now representative for Latin America at Bank of America) and Felipe Pérez Martí, former Planning Minister of Hugo Chávez between 2002 and 2003. Simon Andres Zúñiga said that Hausman served as advisor to the latter during his tenure in the Bolivarian Government, with videoconferences included in the facilities of the Andean Development Corporation (CAF).
We are now at 1980s. He was part of the Commission for the Reform of the State (Copre), which aimed to atomize until the privatization all state institutions of goods and services. Hausmann’s task was simple as perverse: linking the tentacles of the great foreign capital with the parasites inside for the common play of private plunder.
Carlos Andrés Pérez (CAP) brought together Pedro Tinoco, Miguel Antonio Rodríguez, Moisés Naím, Ruth de Krivoy and Ricardo Hausmann, making our character referenced formal minister of Cordiplan after the events of February 27, 1989 (Caracazo). For that time Hausmann ” a trusted man of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Venezuela, ” according to Luis Salas Rodríguez, whose presidency of the Development Committee of the IMF-World Bank did not go unnoticed by the big shots of the imperial economy.
After almost three decades in Venezuela promoting the flight of assets (financial and industrial), arming structural guidelines in collusion with his friends Fedecámaras, Venacham and Consecomercio and reaching out to consolidate certain infrastructures and commercial links for the benefit of Empresas Polar, today chaired by Lorenzo Mendoza, he decided to leave too (again) for the United States, where he was chief economist of the Inter-American Development Bank from 1994 until the year 2000.
From 2001 to 2007 he was part of the board of directors of the then privatized Compañía Anónima Nacional Teléfonos de Venezuela (Cantv) together with Gustavo Roosen, the former president of PDVSA during the last presidency of CAP and the main operator of the Petroleum Opening in the mid 90’s. He had a humiliating appearance in 2004 in the campaign of Súmate (NGO of Maria Corina Machado) to denounce the fantasy fraud that reaffirmed the continuity of Commander Chávez as Venezuelan President.
Since then he has been very active from his offices in Boston writing articles (he has an occasional columnist in El Nacional ) and dictating lectures that presage an economic fall that would leave the country subsumed to the deep chaos that today live countries like Equatorial Guinea and Sierra Leone.
Eroticized with the idea of the default , he made his forecast for 2016: Venezuela will have even the ants as collateral for international loans. In September of 2014, President Nicolás Maduro publicly announced that Hausmann was involved in an international conspiracy against Bolivarian Venezuela, and labeled him an economic adviser to the local ultra-right sector, undeniable endowment when it comes to the guy who gave directions to the habitual looters of the old political system.
On that occasion he said he had “no financial interests in this game, no relationships with any business group.” His public friendship (business, of course ) with Alejandro Werner , former undersecretary of finance of former Mexican President Felipe Calderón and current director of the Western Hemisphere of the IMF, is not a minor fact. And additionally, with the audio presented on the night of Wednesday, October 14 (presented by Maduro’s government a conversation of Hausmann and the head of Empresas Polar talking about getting a multi-billion loan from the IMF to rescue the economy), we can say with the respective legal jargon: he hang himself.
He insisted on regaining confidence in the IMF because, according to Hausmann, “the system to avoid and resolve financial crises is anchored in [this] a fully constituted institution.”
His relations with Israel make him a Zionist in capital letters. He has recently said that “Latin America is a natural complement” to the State that today presides over Benjamin Netanyahu, in the sense of a mere mining appendix. This type of thinking is recurrent among economic hit men who have a lot of swagger, and who provides almost nothing for any nation.
Ricardo Hausmann is the typical financial operator that stigmatizes sovereignty and celebrates dollarization. He believes that since he was once an intermediary in the sale of the country to big capital, he will be able to do it today with Chavismo in the street and in the Government. For that reason, he has reasons to want to deliver Venezuela to the mouth of the wolf, even when ” the creditors get screwed “.