Venezuelan trucks loaded with oxygen entering Brazil and heading to help combat a COVID-19 surge in Manaus. Photo: Twitter/@CancilleriaVE.
Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
Venezuelan trucks loaded with oxygen entering Brazil and heading to help combat a COVID-19 surge in Manaus. Photo: Twitter/@CancilleriaVE.
This Wednesday, Luiz Inácio “Lula” da Silva, former Brazilian president and current presidential candidate, thanked the Venezuelan government, led by President Nicolás Maduro, for the oxygen shipments sent to Manaus when the Brazilian region was hit hard by the pandemic and abandoned by the Bolsonaro administration.
“I want to thank the Venezuelan ambassador who sent oxygen to Manaus to save lives here, despite the fact that the president of the Republic often offended Venezuela,” Lula said. “They were the ones who sent the oxygen that neither the lieutenant nor the minister of health had the courage to send.”
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The recognition did not go unnoticed in Brazil, where the leftist leader is running for president for the third time. Moisés Selerges, president of the ABC Metallurgical Union, where Lula began his political career, stated on Twitter that they could never “forget who… he helped.”
Lula thanks Venezuela 🇻🇪 for the medical oxygen donated to the Brazilian city of Manaus amid a shortage in 2021. pic.twitter.com/GHwKcgyAak
— Kawsachun News (@KawsachunNews) September 1, 2022
“I want to send an embrace to the Venezuelan ambassador, Alberto Castelar, and to President Nicolás Maduro. The ABC Metallurgists have always preached solidarity. This is our practice!” Selerges wrote in the tweet.
Translation: Orinoco Tribune