Flyer for Orinoco Tribune's third anniversary panel on Latin American elections. Photo by Orinoco Tribune.
Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
Flyer for Orinoco Tribune's third anniversary panel on Latin American elections. Photo by Orinoco Tribune.
Caracas, November 14, 2021 (OrinocoTribune.com)—This month is Orinoco Tribune’s third anniversary, and we have organized a panel of experts to discuss and to update our followers about recent electoral events in the region and current electoral debates in some Latin American countries.
The Zoom panel is scheduled for Monday, November 29 at 8:00 p.m. (EST) and will last 90 minutes. It will be chaired by Orinoco Tribune’s editor, Jesús Rodríguez-Espinoza, who will have the honor of interacting with respected and long-standing activists and journalists.
Victoria Cervantes will update us about presidential elections in Honduras scheduled for November 28; Ramiro Sebastian Fúnez on presidential elections in Nicaragua held on November 7; Antonio Huizar on last June’s midterm elections, the upcoming recall referendum and the heated electoral debate in Mexico, Rodrigo Venegas (Rebel Diaz) on Chile’s presidential elections scheduled for November 21; Diego Sequera (Misión Verdad) on Venezuela’s regional elections scheduled for November 21, and, until further notice, Jesús Rodríguez-Espinoza (Orinoco Tribune) on Argentina’s parliamentary elections held on November 14.
Orinoco Tribune has planned this panel since early October to offer our readers and followers accurate information and in-depth analysis on the electoral processes in Latin America. In the case of Argentina we have not been very lucky getting a panelist from the country. We are currently waiting for feedback from two highly respected organizations based in Argentina in order to have one of their members as a panelist; however, in the meantime, until we get confirmation, Orinoco Tribune editor and founder will be the person responsible for the Argentina chapter of our panel.
Orinoco Tribune wants to report on these key electoral events in the region, and wants to open a debate about what needs to be done in order to advance from the narrative of pink tide vs. right wing (pro-US government) in order to build a real socialist project for the region with a Marxist-Leninist perspective.
Please join us for this event with a panel of renowned experts, and help us spread the word about it by sharing it on your social media accounts. If you can, please also donate to us, and spread the world about our annual anniversary fundraising campaign, a key initiative to continue our work and to keep us online.
Featured image: Flyer for Orinoco Tribune’s third anniversary panel on Latin American elections. Photo by Orinoco Tribune.
Special for Orinoco Tribune by Jesús Rodríguez Espinoza