Governments of the world celebrated Friday the release of Brazilian leader Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who remained in detention at the headquarters of the Federal Police of Curitiba for 19 months, after an irregular judicial process. The ex-president was greeted by a crowd outside the jail.
The release of Lula da Silva occurs after the annulment of the second prison term issued by the Federal Supreme Court (STF), this Thursday. Now, the Brazilian president can wait for the resolution of his case while all judicial remedies are exhausted.
RELATED CONTENT: Lula Da Silva Released After One Year and Seven Months in Prison
Lula was serving a sentence of 8 years and 10 months in prison, for alleged passive corruption and money laundering, after being found guilty of receiving an apartment in the São Paulo spa of Guarujá in exchange for political favors to the OAS construction company. Lula’s lawyers denounced multiple irregularities during the judicial process, as well as the lack of evidence against him.
The Vice President-elect of Argentina, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, applauded the end of the imprisonment of Lula da Silva for being “one of the largest aberrations of Lawfare in Latin America.”
Cesa hoy una de las aberraciones más grandes del Lawfare en Latinoamérica: la privación ilegítima de la libertad del ex Presidente de la República Federativa de Brasil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. #LulaLivre
— Cristina Kirchner (@CFKArgentina) November 8, 2019
Likewise, the elected president of Argentina, Alberto Fernández, expressed his admiration for Lula’s strength during the judicial persecution against him by the Brazilian right.
Conmueve la fortaleza de @LulaOficial para afrontar esta persecución (solo esa definición le cabe al proceso judicial arbitrario al que fue sometido). Su entereza demuestra no solo el compromiso sino la inmensidad de ese hombre.
¡Viva #LulaLivre!
— Alberto Fernández (@alferdez) November 8, 2019
The Uruguayan deputy for the Frente Amplio, Gerardo Núñez, celebrated the victory for Lula and the Brazilian people, but recalled that it is not final and we must continue fighting to achieve justice.
#Lulalibre se transformó en consigna, en lucha de millones, en muros grafiteados pintados a pulso, en remeras, en la pelea de los más pobres del continente. Hoy es una realidad, Lula fue liberado. Es una victoria, aún no definitiva, hay que seguir empujando. Lula Libre!!
— Gerardo Nuñez (@gera_nunez1001) November 8, 2019
RELATED CONTENT: Today Argentina Says Goodbye to the Collapsing Lima Group
Also the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, celebrated the liberation of Lula as a triumph of the peoples of Latin America in resistance.
¡La Verdad Triunfó en Brasil! En nombre del pueblo de Venezuela, expreso mi más profunda alegría por la liberación de mi hermano y amigo @LulaOficial, quien nuevamente estará en las calles para liderar las causas justas de los brasileños y brasileñas. ¡Viva #LulaLibre!
— Nicolás Maduro (@NicolasMaduro) November 8, 2019
For his part, the US Democratic Senator, Bernie Sanders, said he was pleased with the release of Lula da Sila, whose imprisonment “never had to have happened.” He added that the Brazilian leader did more than any other politician for the rights of workers and to reduce poverty in his country.
As President, Lula has done more than anyone to lower poverty in Brazil and to stand up for workers. I am delighted that he has been released from jail, something that never should have happened in the first place.
— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) November 8, 2019
Mexico The Vice Minister for Latin America from Mexico, Maximiliano Reyes, applauded the decision of the Supreme Court of Brazil that allowed the release of Lula on November 8.
Nos alegramos de la decisión de la justicia brasileña que hoy determinó la libertad del ex presidente @LulaOficial, tras el fallo adoptado por el Tribunal Supremo de Brasil. #Justicia #Derecho #VientosNuevos
— Maximiliano Reyes Zúñiga (@maximilianoreyz) November 8, 2019
Colombian activist and politician Piedad Córdoba expressed her support for former president Lula through her Twitter account.
¡¡Presidente @LulaOficial!!
¡Desde Colombia fuerte abrazo!
¡Vuelve Lula! Vamos Brasil!!
— Piedad Córdoba ⚖ (@piedadcordoba) November 8, 2019
Translated by JRE/EF
- October 3, 2024