"Casa Amarilla" in Caracas, the headquarters of Venezuela's foreign office. Photo: File photo.
Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
"Casa Amarilla" in Caracas, the headquarters of Venezuela's foreign office. Photo: File photo.
The government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela issued a statement this Tuesday, May 23, in which it categorically rejected the questioning made by the United States government against the arduous fight that the nation is carrying out to combat terrorism.
The Venezuelan government emphasized in the document that the US must respect international law, and called on the authorities of the US to practice diplomacy in order to strengthen stability and world peace.
El Gobierno de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela rechaza, de manera categórica, el cuestionamiento inmoral de los EEUU a nuestro compromiso de lucha contra el terrorismo. pic.twitter.com/KdztqghuKZ
— Yvan Gil (@yvangil) May 23, 2023
“The cynicism of those who gave shelter to confessed terrorists like Luis Posada Carriles and Orlando Bosch,” the statement reads, “who now try to qualify the commitment of other countries in the fight against terrorism, is amazing.”
The authorities of the Venezuelan government further highlighted that the US empire’s infamous so-called war on terror “has cost humanity over 4.5 million deaths and losses of around $8 billion, exacerbating global insecurity and encouraging the proliferation of extremist groups.”
The full statement can be read below:
Venezuela rejects unfounded US accusations about its commitment to the fight against terrorism
The government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela once again rejects the questioning of Venezuela’s commitment in the fight against terrorism, which year after year has been demonstrated by complying with all its national and multilateral obligations on this sensitive issue.
The cynicism of those who gave refuge to confessed terrorists like Luis Posada Carriles and Orlando Bosch, who now try to qualify the commitment of other countries in the fight against terrorism, is amazing. During the two centuries of the Monroe Doctrine, there are plenty of examples of terrorist practices against our region that have been supported and encouraged from Washington.
In addition, the use of coercion as a foreign policy, regardless of the impact of its measures on human lives, constitutes in itself a true form of terrorism. One third of the planet today suffers from the economic, political and financial terrorism of the United States, which has become an impediment to development and world stability.
Even its infamous War on Terror has proven to be a painful fraud, costing humanity close to 4.5 million deaths and losses of around $8 billion. The result has been to exacerbate global insecurity and encourage the proliferation of hate-mongering extremist groups.
By using a subject as sensitive as terrorism to launch unfounded accusations of a political nature, the United States demonstrates its indifference to the millions of victims of this scourge. Venezuela reiterates the call for the United States to respect international law and return to the practice of diplomacy in order to strengthen stability and world peace.
Caracas, May 23, 2023
(Alba Ciudad) with Orinoco Tribune content
Translation: Orinoco Tribune