On Saturday, September 25, the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIBG) of Cuba informed that it has sent Venezuela a batch of Abdala, the first COVID-19 vaccine developed and produced in Latin America.
The scientific institution confirmed the shipment to the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela on Twitter.
“Doses of love and hope from our Abdala vaccine were sent from Cuba and arrived safely to help the Venezuelan people in their fight against the current COVID-19 pandemic,” stated the Twitter post.
#Abdala llegó a la hermana patria de Venezuela!!!! Dosis de amor y de esperanzas de nuestra vacuna Abdala fueron enviadas ayer desde Cuba y llegaron sin contratiempos para ayudar al pueblo venezolano en su lucha frente a la actual pandemia de la COVID-19. #CubaPorLaSalud pic.twitter.com/M1sqKyDQsd
— CIGBCuba (@CIGBCuba) September 26, 2021
RELATED CONTENT: Almost 50% of Latin America & Caribbean Receive Vaccines from China & Russia
Abdala is given in three doses (zero, 14, and 28 days). Scientists at CIBG designed the vaccine and achieved an efficiency of 92.28%. It also showed a 90% effectiveness in critically ill patients and against the Delta variant of COVID-19.
Additionally, the CIGB confirmed that 30 million units were produced to guarantee vaccination of all Cubans over 19 years of age.
According to the press, this population group also includes pregnant women, nursing mothers, people with transplants, adolescents, and young people in terminal grades of the national education system.
¡¡¡Ascienden a 30 millones las dosis de la vacuna Abdala para el pueblo cubano🇨🇺!! Gracias a la experiencia de la industria biofarmacéutica cubana, al talento de nuestros científicos y a la alianza CIGB-AICA, instituciones de alta tecnología, que hicieron realidad este gran reto. pic.twitter.com/rcNWBUgX7Z
— CIGBCuba (@CIGBCuba) September 26, 2021
In another Twitter post, CIBG expressed joy at having ensured protection for the Cuban people and being able to help sister nations at a time when many regions of the world are waiting for the first dose to vaccinate their populations, as was widely decried during the debates at the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly.
RELATED CONTENT: Cuba Initiates WHO Prequalification of Its COVID-19 Vaccines
¡¡¡Cuando todavía en el mundo algunas regiones esperan por su primera dosis de vacuna, Cuba🇨🇺ha logrado atender nuestra máxima prioridad: el pueblo cubano, y nos encontramos en condiciones de contribuir con dosis de vacunas para otros pueblos hermanos!!! #CubaEsRevolución pic.twitter.com/ryGn4AZUA8
— CIGBCuba (@CIGBCuba) September 26, 2021
In addition, the CIGB announced delivery of 120,000 doses without thiomersal, which allows people allergic to this component to get immunized in Havana and other territories in Cuba.
Thiomersal or thimerosal is present in many Cuban vaccines and was previously used for healing wounds. In case of multidose vaccines, this compound works as a preservative.
¡Hoy Cuba 🇨🇺cuenta con la vacuna #Abdala_ST para los alérgicos al tiomersal! CIGB y AICA entregaron a la empresa ENCOMED 120 000 dosis para garantizar la inmunización contra la infección por SARS-CoV-2 de cubanos mayores de 19 años alérgicos a este componente. #CubaPorLaSalud pic.twitter.com/oMrGkKqTW4
— CIGBCuba (@CIGBCuba) September 26, 2021
On Friday, the BioCubaFarma company announced the shipment of the first batch of Abdala to Vietnam. This took place after an agreement was signed between the CIGB and the Center for Research and Production of Vaccines and Medical Biological Products (Polyvac) of Vietnam. The agreement anticipates the supply and distribution of 5 million doses of Abdala by Cuba to the Asian nation.
Featured image: Cuba’s Abdala vaccine achieved an efficacy of 92.28%, and also showed a 90% efficiency in critically ill patients and against the Delta variant of COVID-19. Photo: Prensa Latina
Translation: Orinoco Tribune
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