Buena Fe's singer Israel Rojas before the audience during a concert in Caracas, July 19, 2022. Photos: MPPC/Roiner Ross/Mariana Rodríguez.
Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
Buena Fe's singer Israel Rojas before the audience during a concert in Caracas, July 19, 2022. Photos: MPPC/Roiner Ross/Mariana Rodríguez.
This Tuesday, July 19, the Cuban group Buena Fe delighted attendees during a free concert at La Casona Cultural Aquiles Nazoa, in La Carlota, Caracas. It was the sixth concert performed by the group in Venezuela in the last nine days, a nation they had not visited since before the COVID-19 pandemic. The concert was broadcast by Canal Cultura Venezuela and the Alba Ciudad radio station.
The Cuban duo, made up of Israel Rojas and Yoel Martínez Rodríguez, was preceded by the Venezuelan singer-songwriter Manu Moreno, one of the voices of the group SurConciente. She was accompanied by Manuel Moreno, the outstanding percussionist of the Herencia Group, recently declared a “cultural asset of Venezuela” by the Institute of Cultural Heritage. In addition to several of her own songs, Manu Moreno covered “Tonada de Luna Llena” by Simón Díaz.
Both artists apologized to the audience for delays in the schedule that left the audience waiting longer that expected, explaining that the reasons for the delay were beyond their control. It is very common that concerts in Venezuela do not respect schedules, particularly in recent years. This has applied consistently to government-sponsored events and programs, a fact that should be recognized and corrected. In most cases, proper planning in such cases could improve the quality of life of Venezuelans, and further improve the popular support for the PSUV and the Bolivarian Revolution.
RELATED CONTENT: Cuban Band Buena Fe Postpones Concerts in Canada Defending Cuban Vaccines
The venue was packed with people of all ages, who sang well-known songs by Buena Fe, such as “Catalejo,” “Volar Sin Ti,” “PI 3.14,” and “Culpa.” They also sang “La Fuerza De Un País” (the strength of a country), inspired by the titanic efforts of the Cuban healthcare system during the COVID-19 pandemic. Cuba sent doctors all over the planet and create multiple vaccines, despite the US blockade.
A delegation of Cuban health personnel working in Venezuela was present at the concert.
Hoy el concierto fue muy emotivo. Mi querido @Israel_BuenaFe no pudo aguantar y lloró al cantar "La fuerza de un país", cuando todos nos paramos a aplaudir a Cuba 🇨🇺
Esta es una canción que escribieron cuando crearon la vacuna, para la campaña de la vacunación en Cuba ❣️
— Tay Merchán O. (@taymerchan) July 20, 2022
Support for Venezuela
Israel Rojas expressed his heartfelt support for the Venezuelan people. “Long live Venezuela,” he said during the concert. “Long live united Latin America, and to hell with everyone who conspires against that dream… I hope life is full of more Bolívar, more Urdanetas. I hope life is filled more with people who persist, and put their shoulders to the wheel, of Guevaras, and not of cheats.”
In addition, he dedicated the song “Gallo De Pelea” to the “heroic Venezuelan people,” whom he said “have given a tremendous lesson of what can be done.”
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He urged that Venezuela continue to struggle: “If you move forward, Latin America will rise up, and above all, they will give a good blow to all those who have talked shit about you without knowing what the Venezuelan people are capable of.”
Full videos & photos
Below is the full video of the Buena Fe concert in Caracas:
And the concert by Manu Moreno (SurConciente) accompanied by Manuel Moreno, from Grupo Herencia:
(Alba Ciudad) with Orinoco Tribune content
Translation: Orinoco Tribune