Headquarters of Sudeban in Caracas, Venezuela. Photo: archive.
Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
Headquarters of Sudeban in Caracas, Venezuela. Photo: archive.
Caracas, January 19, 2023 (OrinocoTribune.com)—This Thursday, January 19, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro announced the appointment of Colonel Antonio Morales as the new minister for national commerce.
“Beginning this January 19, I have appointed Colonel Antonio Morales as new Minister for National Commerce,” President Maduro wrote on social media accounts, “for him to continue promoting commercial activities, entrepreneurship, and the country’s real economy. I thank Dheliz Álvarez for her valuable performance. Let’s move forward!”
Desde este #19Ene, he designado al Coronel Antonio Morales, nuevo Ministro del Poder Popular para el Comercio Nacional. Para que siga impulsando la actividad comercial, el emprendimiento y la economía real del país. Agradezco a Dheliz Álvarez, su valioso desempeño. ¡Avancemos! pic.twitter.com/rLhJg7aeXu
— Nicolás Maduro (@NicolasMaduro) January 19, 2023
Morales has a degree in Military Sciences and Arts graduated from the Military Academy of Venezuela, with a specialization in Infantry. He has performed different roles in public administration, including in the Ministry of the Presidency, and in 2017 he was appointed as Superintendent of Banking Sector Institutions (Sudeban) until today. Previously, Morales was the head of the National Financial Intelligence Unit in the same agency.
This Wednesday, Sudeban formalized the authorization of national banks to grant loans in national currency to its clients, with the resources coming from the collection of funds in foreign currency. This both increases the available bank credit and, at the same time, increases the availability of foreign currency on the exchange desks in the banking system.
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Vice Minister for Digital Economy, Banking, Insurance and Securities
Almost simultaneously, Héctor Obregón was appointed as Vice Minister of Digital Economy, Banking, Insurance and Securities. The information was announced by Vice President Delcy Rodríguez, who stated that Obregón will be part of her economic team, for the development of the nation. Rodríguez is also the Minister for Economy and Finance of Venezuela.
Este jueves #19Ene, el Pdte. @NicolasMaduro, ha designado al compañero Héctor Obregón, para estar al frente del Viceministerio de Economía Digital, Banca, Seguros y Valores y junto al equipo económico del Gobierno Bolivariano seguir fortaleciendo la economía de la Patria. pic.twitter.com/GlOlJhXxqx
— Delcy Rodríguez (@delcyrodriguezv) January 19, 2023
“This Thursday, January 19, President Maduro has appointed comrade Héctor Obregón,” she announced via social media, “to be in charge of the Vice Ministry of Digital Economy, Banking, Insurance and Securities and together with the economic team of the Bolivarian Government to continue strengthening the economy of the Homeland.” Obregón has been in charge of the Venezuelan Foreign Trade Corporation, SA (Corpovex) as president since 2020.
Accordingly, Rodríguez reported the appointment of Dheliz Álvarez in the presidency of the Venezuelan Foreign Trade Corporation (Corpovex) to replace Héctor Obregón.
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“From today, Dheliz Álvarez assumes the responsibility of leading the Venezuelan Foreign Trade Corporation, Corpovex,” she stated via her social media accounts, “to continue raising the capacities that support national economic development.”
Anabel Pereira was appointed as the new Superintendent of Banking Sector Institutions to replace Antonio Morales. In another announcement via social media, the Venezuelan vice president wrote that Pereira will have the task of strengthening the country’s public and private banks.
De igual manera, ha sido designada la compañera Anabel Pereira, como nueva superintendente de la @SudebanInforma, para que desde el ente regulador se continúe trabajando en el fortalecimiento de la banca pública y privada de la nación. pic.twitter.com/OdAGaCnsQ1
— Delcy Rodríguez (@delcyrodriguezv) January 19, 2023
“In the same way [as the other appointments], Anabel Pereira has been appointed as the new superintendent of Sudeban,” wrote Rodríguez, “so that the regulatory entity continues to work on strengthening the nation’s public and private banks.” Prior to this appointment, Pereira was head of the Social Protection Fund for Bank Deposits (Fogade), in charge of warrantying the deposits of all Venezuelans in the banking system.
In recent months, the bolivar has been strongly affected by a devaluation spree against the US dollar, negatively impacting the strong performance of Venezuela against inflation in recent months. Many experts and government officials have noted that a big part of the devaluation trend comes from cryptocurrency speculation and general cryptocurrency operations. Sudeban has been in charge of taking corrective measures within the banking system in order to address this recent development.
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