President Nicolás Maduro speaks on television. Photo: archive.
Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
President Nicolás Maduro speaks on television. Photo: archive.
By ensuring that Venezuela is on the path to socialism, the head of state, Nicolás Maduró, pointed out that the construction of a society with the principles of equality, peace, and solidarity “takes time, but we have advanced thanks to the ideology of Comandante Chávez.”
President Maduro emphasized that thanks to the conscience and values of Venezuelan society, it has been possible to build an organized state of social well-being with a clear and human vision, according to a presidential press release.
“We have an important vanguard in the people, in the common man, in the common woman,” said the president during a broadcast of the Con Maduro + program. “Chávez spoke a great deal about territorial socialism. I think it is a great contribution to the theory of world socialism, to economic socialism.”
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In this regard, he pointed out that in Venezuela “there is a transition to socialism, a socialism with Bolivarian, Christian, and deeply democratic values.”
During the “Digital Zone” segment, the President Maduro debated with the political analyst and YouTuber Diego Ruzzarín about the new socioeconomic formation with a socialist orientation that is being developed in progressive countries which seek to consolidate equality and social justice.
Likewise, he highlighted that the Venezuelan people, in the worst circumstances and faced with the imposition of unilateral coercive measures, “set out to build a new economic model, which has made it possible to confront the criminal blockade.”
“We are building a new social economic formation…” said the president, “that is the material basis of society. The economy is in the process of reconstruction because it is not just about building, but we have also faced the blockade.”
Translation: Orinoco Tribune