Recently Sanctioned Adel El Zabayar Challenges the US Department of Justice

Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
By Gabriela Molina – May 28, 2020
This May 27, the former deputy Adel El Zabayar spoke in reference to the allegation that the US Department of Justice launched against him, pointing him out as a “narcoterrorist”. Through his Twitter account he urged the US to present their accusation under the tutelage of the United Nations (UN).
“Pay for my ticket and stay in the US, present your charges under UN observation. If you don’t do it, just take your lies and bathe in them. US narco-terrorist government”.
RETO AL MAL LLAMADO Departamento de Justicia de EEUU quien me acusa de narcoterrorismo. Paguen mi pasaje ida y vuelta a EEUU con gastos pagos, presenten su acusación BAJO LA TUTELA DE LA ONU.
Sino bañense CON SUS INFAMIAS.
Gobierno de EEUU NARCOTERRORISTA.— Adel El Zabayar (@Zabayar) May 27, 2020
Likewise, he stressed that he was honored that the United States attacks him for his defense of Syria and Venezuela.
“It is an honor that the great enemies of my native country, Venezuela and ancestral Syria, have the nerve to invent so much injury. It means that we are doing well. Let’s keep going, Syria and Venezuela will win,” he said.
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For his part, Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza expressed his support and that of President Nicolás Maduro, with the combatant El Zabayar against the “infamous and fantastical accusations.” Adel El Zabayar, currently serves as president of the Federation of Arab Associations and Entities of Venezuela.
En nombre del Presidente @NicolasMaduro y del Gobierno de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, expresamos nuestro total apoyo y solidaridad con el digno compañero @Zabayar, ante las infames y fantasiosas acusaciones del Departamento de Injusticia imperial de los EEUU.
— Jorge Arreaza M (@jaarreaza) May 28, 2020
The president of the National Constituent Assembly (ANC), Diosdado Cabello, also did the same in defense of the militant Adel El Zabayar, this Wednesday on his TV show “Con el Mazo Dando”.
Translated by JRE/EF