US Mercenaries Going “Go Fund Me”: Jordan Goudreau Told Them US Government Supported the Operation

Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
Caracas, May 29, 2020 ( Last May 3, a group of mercenaries trained in Colombia and financed by the US launched a mercenary raid in the Bay of Macuto, Sucre state. The operation was neutralized by the Venezuelan army together with the militia.
One day later, in the town of Chuao, Aragua state, another group of eight mercenaries was captured by local fishermen belonging to the Venezuelan militia. Among them two US citizens, soldiers of fortune, mercenaries who now are facing the Venezuelan justice system. Their names are Luke Denman and Airan Berry, both hired by a US mercenary firm, SilverCorp, owned by Canadian American Jordan Goudreau.
The Venezuelan investigative website “La Tabla” released information today about their relatives launching a “gofundme” campaign to raise 50 thousand dollars. It was launched on May 18 and currently has pledges of more than 12 thousand dollars.
In their description, disregarding their humanitarian claims and what good Americans they are, the fundraisers highlight that they were somehow betrayed by Jordan Goudreau “who assured them that his mission to ‘liberate’ Venezuela was supported by the US government.”
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Two of our beloved fellow Americans, Luke Denman and Airan Berry, former US Army Special Forces and Ex Green Beret combat veterans, were captured and are being held prisoner by the Venezuelan government. These two decorated soldiers were misled by a fellow Brother of Arms and their employer, Jordan Goudreau, who assured them that his mission to liberate Venezuela was supported by the United States government, the Venezuelan government in exile, and the people of Venezuela who desperately needed their help. Luke and Airan were deeply passionate about helping a country in such dire need and were unfortunately misled on important facts that ultimately led to their capture by the Venezuelan military.
They are currently awaiting trial.
“It is very unusual that professional US operatives and soldiers would fall in a trap like this if they were not presented with evidence supporting Goudreau claims of US endorsement. Someone must be lying about this whole operation because either these two gringos are silly or they are just trying to cover up what they know about US involvement,” a political analyst said to Orinoco tribune.
“The only fact is that there is enough evidence to have these individuals, with their Venezuelan partners, behind bars for several years. And at this point, the Venezuelan militia and army are in a state of alert, waiting for new destabilization attempts coming either from the US naval fleets, from Colombia or from Brazil. They will be neutralized and defeated again because the Bolivarian revolution is more than Nicolas Maduro and Diosdado Cabello, it is the Venezuelan people not wanting to be a colony ever again,” he added.
La Tabla is in need of donations. Please send them an email to Its editor name is Victor Hugo Majano.
La Tabla/OT/JRE/EF