Seizure of drugs and weapons by Venezuelan army. Photo: Twitter/@dhernandezlarez
Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
Seizure of drugs and weapons by Venezuelan army. Photo: Twitter/@dhernandezlarez
The president of the National Anti-Narcotics Superintendence of Venezuela (SUNAD), Richard López Vargas, announced at an official event that Venezuela ranks 11th in the world in cocaine seizures, making the country a leader in the global fight against drug trafficking. This data was from the recently released World Drug Report 2022 of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).
El Superintendente Antidrogas MG @LopezvargasR señaló que en el Informe Mundial sobre las Drogas 2022 de La Oficina de las Naciones Unidas contra la Droga y el Delito (UNODC), Venezuela salió nuevamente fortalecida "ocupa el lugar N° 11 en incautación de cocaína en el mundo". pic.twitter.com/CejmsixehW
— @SUNADoficial (@SUNADoficial) July 2, 2022
López Vargas added that Venezuela is not a producer of drugs, as such substances are not grown in Venezuela and drug-trafficking organizations are not allowed to operate on Venezuelan soil.
El Superintendente Nacional Antidrogas MG @LopezvargasR: Según el Informe Mundial sobre las Drogas 2022 de la UNODC, Venezuela no es país productor, no tiene cultivos de drogas y no tiene organizaciones dedicadas al tráfico ilícito de drogas ("carteles”). pic.twitter.com/uDynT6teTT
— @SUNADoficial (@SUNADoficial) July 3, 2022
He went on to compare Venezuela to the US, highlighting how in Venezuela “the only wall we have is the one against drugs, and its effectiveness was reflected in the UNODC Report for the year 2022.″ His reference was to the US border wall built to stop migrants from entering US territory, and also to the fact that the United States remains the highest consumer of illicit drugs in the world.
Programa No. 32 "Venezuela Libre de Drogas"
El Superintendente Nacional Antidrogas MG @LopezvargasR informó que a diferencia de EE.UU. en nuestro país, el único muro que tenemos es contra las drogas y su efectividad fue reflejada en el último informe de la @ONUDD año 2022. pic.twitter.com/nP7H1lU6fu
— @SUNADoficial (@SUNADoficial) July 2, 2022
Continued progress
Regarding Venezuela’s global rank in cocaine seizures, Minister of the Interior, Justice and Peace Remigio Ceballos commented: “We continue to make progress in the fight against drugs and crime, thanks to the Gran Misión Cuadrantes de Paz, a public policy implemented by the Bolivarian government.” These peace quadrants are groups of individuals from various branches of the security forces who are deployed all over the country to ensure peace and security.
Seguimos avanzando en la lucha contra la droga y el delito, gracias a la Gran Misión Cuadrantes de Paz, política pública implementada por el Buen Gobierno Bolivariano, como garantía para alcanzar el bienestar, la Vida y La Paz del Pueblo venezolano. https://t.co/cMyACTvUM1
— @FuerzaDinamica Remigio Ceballos Ichaso (@CeballosIchaso1) July 2, 2022
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Venezuela against drug trafficking
On June 26, the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, President Nicolás Maduro reiterated his administration’s commitment to combat drug trafficking.
En Venezuela nos plantamos firmes para acabar con el narcotráfico en nuestro territorio, este #26Jun, Día Mundial de la Lucha contra el uso indebido y el Tráfico ilícito de Drogas, ratificamos el compromiso de garantizar una Patria segura, próspera y libre de drogas. pic.twitter.com/7dGRy7z4nM
— Nicolás Maduro (@NicolasMaduro) June 26, 2022
The Bolivarian National Armed Force (FANB) of Venezuela allots significant resources to eliminating drug-trafficking and preventing incursions by illegal organizations, including armed Colombian drug-trafficking terrorists (TANCOL), who attempt to use parts of Venezuela as drug-trafficking routes.
In this regard, the head of FANB’s Operational Strategic Command (CEOFANB), Domingo Hernández Lárez, highlighted that the military continues to clear the border regions of TANCOL camps.
FANB y OSC continúan desplegados en nuestro eje transfronterizo ejerciendo soberanía, desactivando explosivos y extirpando campamentos y estructuras dejadas por los TANCOL a su paso. Venezuela es tierra de paz. No al narcotráfico!! pic.twitter.com/Vu1PESZ0fJ
— GJ. Domingo Hernández Lárez (@dhernandezlarez) June 30, 2022
“Venezuela is a land of peace,” Hernández Lárez wrote on Twitter. “No to drug-trafficking.”
FANB’s objective is to totally rid Venezuela of drug trafficking. President Maduro has said that 2022 will be the year when Venezuela will put an end to TANCOL activity on Venezuelan soil.
In total, Venezuelan authorities seized more than 51 tons of drugs in 2021.
(Últimas Noticias) by Janna Corredor, with Orinoco Tribune content
Translation: Orinoco Tribune