Venezuelan Military Deserters Removed From Hotel in Cúcuta for Late Payments

Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
On Friday afternoon, the suspension of the lodging services received by Venezuelan military deserters became official due to the fact that food payments are not up to date. According to an official statement from the hotel, the management immediately requested they check-out from rooms occupied by the ex-officers of the Armed Forces of Venezuela and the Bolivarian National Police.
In a video posted on twitter the deserters said a check of 60 million pesos handed to the hotel by Guaido’s “ambassador” in Colombia bounced because of insufficient funds. In the video it’s clear these military defectors feel betrayed by Guaido, Colombian authorities and Guaido’s “ambassador” in Colombia.
#Colombia – Cúcuta – Expulsan del Hotel a los ex-Militares Venezolanos ?? que desertaron y apoyaron a Guaidog – 3 Abril 2019
?????120 ex-Militares desertores Venezolanos y sus familias que aún permanecían en el Hotel Acora de Cúcuta Colombia, fueron expulsados este viernes
— Topete GLZ (@TopeteGLZ) May 4, 2019
To date, it is presumed that there is a balance of more than 60 million pesos , which has been in default for 10 days.
RELATED CONTENT: Colombia Deporting 300 Venezuelan Deserters (Soon in Venezuelan Authorities’ Hands)
Around 5:30 in the afternoon, 120 people were evicted, including several children “who do not know what they are going to eat and where they can sleep,” said Ronal Jimenez, former member of the Bolivarian National Guard (GNB).
He also made a call to Juan Guaidó, whom the newspaper identified as the “current president of the National Assembly of Venezuela,” so that he “responds for himself in this situation and offers prompt solutions to these affected families.”
RELATED CONTENT: Deserters Abandoned by Guaidó and the US March to Bogota Looking for Answers
On February 23, groups supported by Juan Guaidó tried to forcibly introduce trucks with alleged “humanitarian aid” through the border between Colombia and Venezuela, while a group of Venezuelan military and officials deserted to Colombia, where Guaidó was, to affirm that they were loyal to him, he met with them and promised them full support.
Shortly after, it was learned that these Venezuelan military deserters remained in several hotels in Colombia, in “refugee” status, supported by the Bogota office of the United Nations Agency for Refugees (UNHCR). However, on several occasions they have denounced Juan Guaidó for leaving them adrift and not knowing what to do.
Translated by JRE\EF