21N: Candidate Substitution on Electoral Ballot Ends this Wednesday

Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
The period provided for the political parties of Venezuela to present modifications and/or substitutions of candidates on the electoral ballot ends on Wednesday, September 22.
De acuerdo al cronograma para las Elecciones Regionales y Municipales, este miércoles 22 concluye el lapso dispuesto para que las Organizaciones con Fines Políticos presenten modificaciones y/o sustituciones de candidaturas, de manera que se reflejen en el instrumento de votación pic.twitter.com/eUzUKWX9MO
— cneesvenezuela (@cneesvzla) September 20, 2021
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The CNE also informed that after this deadline passes, political parties can make substitutions or modifications in their nominations, but those will not be reflected in the electoral ballot due technical and logistical reasons.
A second phase of substitutions and modifications will begin on September 27 and will end on October 22 for list positions, while for the nominal posts this will continue until November 11.
The Organic Law of Electoral Processes establishes that political parties may substitute candidates in the event of death, resignation, physical or mental disability (duly certified by a competent authority), or for constitutional or legal reasons.
Featured image: The period provided for the political parties of Venezuela to present modifications and/or substitutions of candidates on the electoral ballot ends on Wednesday, September 22. Photo: Twitter / @cneesvzla
Translation: Orinoco Tribune