Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro in the midst of workers during a meeting in Carabobo state, May 18, 2023. Photo: Presidential press.
Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro in the midst of workers during a meeting in Carabobo state, May 18, 2023. Photo: Presidential press.
The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, explained that the ministers of the government have to work together with the Workers’ Productive Councils (CPTT) to recover total productivity of all companies in the country.
On Thursday, May 19, during a meeting with the CPTT of the industrial sector in Carabobo state, President Maduro instructed his cabinet to work to bring investments to recover the productive activity of the strategic companies of the Workers’ Productive Councils.
The president tasked Labor Minister Francisco Torrealba, Minister of Industries Hipólito Abreu, and Vice President Delcy Rodríguez with this work.
“Hipólito, this is your responsability as the minister for Industries and Torrealba as minister of Labor, together with our vice president, together with me and the governors, to obtain investors for each company,” the president instructed. “They all have to produce 100%.”
He emphasized that public and private investments must be guaranteed to increase the productivity of companies through the Workers Productive Councils (CPTT). He urged business owners to pay attention to his win-win proposal for both public and private sectors.
Maduro also highlighted the leading role of the 2,400 Workers’ Productive Councils in the nation’s industrial sector.
#EnVivo 📹| Construir nuevos modelos de gestión empresarial socialista que busquen la eficiencia, la efectividad, la producción y la operatividad creciente de todas las empresas a escala nacional, orienta el mandatario nacional @NicolasMaduro
"Rebelión obrera contra el… pic.twitter.com/qrdCKKoH7x
— Prensa Presidencial (@PresidencialVen) May 18, 2023
“We have to ensure public and private resources for the industrial sector,” President Maduro added. “I call on the country’s private sector, come invest in mutually beneficial agreements. All your investments will be protected.”
He also stressed that the CPTTs must be at the service of the workers, saying, “Listen to them, take their doubts and questions into account, and discuss with them to find solutions.”
“It will be workers’ rebellion against bureaucratism and elitism,” he said. “We must build new models of socialist administration of industries and business that guarantee efficiency, effectiveness, production and operability of all companies on the national scale.”
(RedRadioVE) by Ana Perdigón
Translation: Orinoco Tribune
bla 11:10 EST