South Africa to Ask UNHRC to Veto Human Rights Report of “Independent Mission”

Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
The South African Ambassador to Venezuela, Joseph Nkosi, reported that the Government of the African country will ask the Human Rights Council of the United Nations to vote to approve the report “The truth of Venezuela in the face of infamy” that addresses the efforts of Venezuelan on this issue.
“We are going to speak with nations of our continent and the world to support this report that we will ask to be submitted to vote at the Human Rights Council and also we will request a vote rejecting the report presented by that ‘independent mission’ made remotely and that does not reflect the reality of what happens in this country,” he said.
Embajador de Sudáfrica, Joseph Nkosi: "Vamos a encargarnos de conversar y convencer a otros países africanos a que voten a favor de este informe y rechacen el reporte presentado por la misión independiente que no está basado en la realidad actual"#UnidadPatriotaAnteELBloqueo
— Cancillería Venezuela 🇻🇪 (@CancilleriaVE) September 29, 2020
The South African diplomat ratified the support of his Government to the Venezuelan authorities and people in the face of these accusations on human right abuses that South Africa knew well for having been a victim of human rights violations during the Apartheid era.
RELATED CONTENT: Dissecting the UN Independent Fact-Finding Mission Report on Venezuela
#FOTOS | Embajador de la República de Sudáfrica, Joseph Nkosi recibe de manos del Canciller @jaarreaza, el Fiscal General @TarekWiliamSaab y el Defensor del Pueblo, Alfredo Ruiz el Informe "La verdad de Venezuela contra la infamia".#UnidadPatriotaAnteELBloqueo
— Cancillería Venezuela 🇻🇪 (@CancilleriaVE) September 29, 2020
Nkosi went to the Yellow House on Tuesday where he received from the Attorney General of the Republic, Tarek William Saab, the report made by the Venezuelan State, which he said he would make known to the South African authorities.
Featured image: Photo courtesy of MPPRE
Translation: OT/JRE