Vice President Delcy Rodriguez at the 23 de Enero neighborhood in Caracas. Photo courtesy of the Office of the Vice President.
Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
Vice President Delcy Rodriguez at the 23 de Enero neighborhood in Caracas. Photo courtesy of the Office of the Vice President.
The Executive Vice President of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, reported that the Venezuelan government is carrying out the Mass COVID-19 Vaccination Plan to achieve the goal of 70% immunization, during a supervision of the Mission System and large missions in the 23 de Enero parish in Caracas. She explained, “We all have to take care of ourselves. This is a call to conscience to avoid an unbridled wave of COVID-19 infections by taking care of ourselves and wearing our masks.”
She reminded people that in the Capital District, specifically in the Caricuao parish, a case of the Delta variant was detected, which is why people must reinforce and respect biosafety measures.
“The Delta variant’s contagion rate is exponential, and it also increases the virus particle a thousand times throughout the entire respiratory system,” emphasized the executive vice president. “A lot of awareness is needed because the Delta variant has complicated the world again, and in terms of health, we are already seeing the impact on world economy.”
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Rodríguez assured that despite the criminal economic blockade, Venezuela has set an example of responsibility to combat the new variant of the Coronavirus. “Venezuela has achieved important levels of control, but we cannot lose heart,” she stressed. “We cannot claim victory. We have to continue taking care of our grandparents, our children, and women; we all have to take care of ourselves.”
Thanks to these efforts and a foreign policy of cooperation with friendly countries, the government has been able to guarantee the massive COVID-19 immunization for the Venezuelan people.
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During the supervision of the program, she said, “We are here in the 23 de Enero parish of Caracas to serve the most vulnerable people with the Love in Action Plan for the Victims of the Criminal Blockade against Venezuela.”
She added that “social mapping is a fundamental element of the Popular Power because it is an organized community that can indicate where investments should be made—the public services; that is the participatory budget.”
She also referred to the care of the communities with the Plan Lactancia Materna [Breastfeeding Plan], which together with Parto Humanizado [Humane Childbirth] are fundamental axes of the women’s movement. “This also affects the health of our women in labor, our children, and mothers who are breastfeeding,” she said.
Featured image: Vice President Delcy Rodriguez at the 23 de Enero neighborhood in Caracas. Photo courtesy of the Office of the Vice President.
Translation: Orinoco Tribune