By CELAC – September 18, 2021
6th Summit of Heads of State and Government of CELAC
1.- The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), aware of the importance of this mechanism of concertation, unity and political dialogue that includes the thirty-three countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, on the basis of the historical ties of its peoples, the mutual trust between its governments, the respect to differences, shared principles and values, and the need to address common challenges and advance unity in diversity based on regional consensus, meet in Mexico City on September 18, 2021. By means of its Pro Tempore Presidency reaffirms its commitment to political, economic, social and cultural unity and integration, and its decision to continue working to address the health, social, economic and environmental crises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, natural disasters, and degradation of the planet biodiversity, among others.
2.- Determined to continue collaborating for the well-being of its peoples, underscore the principles and agreements expressed as the Community’s historical acquis and heritage, comprised of political declarations, Special Declarations, the Proclamation of Latin America and the Caribbean as a Zone of Peace, Special Communiqués, Action Plans adopted at previous CELAC Summits, the Procedures for the functioning of the organization of the Community and its decisions approved during the Rio Group and the Latin American and Caribbean Summit on Integration and Development (CALC), including the Founding Summit of Caracas, held on December 2nd and 3rd, 2011, and the Unity Summit of Latin America and the Caribbean, held in Cancun, Mexico, on February 23, 2010.
3.- Reiterates its commitment to the construction of a more fair, inclusive, equitable and harmonious international order, based on the respect for international law and the principles of the Charter of the United Nations, including the sovereign equality of States, the peaceful settlement of disputes, international cooperation for development, respect for territorial integrity and non-intervention in the internal affairs of States. Reaffirms its commitment to the defense of sovereignty and the right of every State to build its own political system, free from threats, aggressions and unilateral coercive measures in an environment of peace, stability, justice, democracy and respect for human rights.
4.- Reaffirms that the historical processes of consolidating, safeguarding and fully exercising democracy in its region are irreversible, do not admit interruptions or setbacks and will continue being defined by the respect for the essential values of democracy; access to power and its exercise in accordance with the Rule of Law; respect for constitutional prerogatives of the different branches of Government and constructive dialogue among them; holding free, periodic, transparent, informed, universal and secret ballot, as an expression of the people’s sovereignty; civil participation; social justice and equality; combating corruption, and respecting all civil liberties enshrined in international instruments. Reiterates its commitment to the promotion, protection and respect for human rights without discrimination as a fundamental basis for sustaining the democratic life of its nations.
5.- Reaffirms its commitment to the consolidation of Latin America and the Caribbean as a Zone of Peace, formally proclaimed at the II Summit of CELAC, held in Havana, in January 2014, as reference for inter-State relations, and which contributes to an atmosphere of mutual respect and confidence-building among the CELAC Member States. We emphasize the call to all States to respect the assertions of the Proclamation in their relations with Latin America and the Caribbean, aimed at the settlement of disputes by peaceful means and the recognition of the right of the States to have their own political, economic, social and cultural system as an indispensable basis for promoting peace and harmony in the region.
6.- Reiterates its condemnation and lament the cowardly assassination of the President of Haiti, His Excellency, Jovenel Moïse, which took place on July 7, 2021 in Port-au-Prince. Supports the constitutional order, the rule of law and democratic institutions, while categorically rejecting violence in all its expressions and urges dialogue for the restoration of peace in the country. Trusts that this crime will not go unpunished and reaffirms its deepest condolences to his family, friends and the Haitian people and government, reiterating its full support and solidarity. Underscores to consolidate its cooperation with Haiti in its recovery, stability and development in a peaceful environment.
7.- Calls for the democratization of production and the removal of obstacles that hinder fair and equitable access to vaccines against COVID-19 as global public goods. Reiterates its call to the international community and the global pharmaceutical sector to join in the efforts of governments and multilateral organizations including the discussions in different forums aimed at increasing the cooperation to ensure a timely, equal, solidary and affordable distribution of vaccines, supplies and medical equipment and other treatments against COVID19. Likewise, endorses other solidarity efforts to accelerate the scale-up of research, development, production and global distribution of COVID-19 vaccines and treatments based on international solidarity, and its condition as global public goods, agreed by the World Health Organization for the extensive vaccination.
8.- Reiterates the importance of observing the provisions of Resolution 74/274, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on April 20, 2020, which calls for the strengthening of supply chains that promote and ensure universal, fair, inclusive, transparent, equitable, efficient and timely access to medicines, vaccines and health supplies in order to address the COVID-19 pandemic. Welcomes regional cooperative efforts and initiatives aimed at promoting a more inclusive response to the pandemic.
9.- Recognizes the urgent global need to continue responding to the prevention and containment of the COVID-19 pandemic and reiterate its commitment to increase international cooperation and solidarity in order to support and strengthen capacities and infrastructure for the production and distribution of vaccines, medicines and health supplies in Latin America and the Caribbean. Supports the CELAC Network of Specialists in Infectious Agents and Diseases Emerging and Reemerging of CELAC, the Regional COVID-19 Genomic Surveillance Network (COVIGEN), coordinated by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), to guarantee access for its populations and to reduce extra-regional dependence.
10.- Recognizes the achievements made by different countries of the region in the development of vaccines and vaccine candidates at different stages of clinical trials, which will contribute to increasing the region’s pandemic response. In this regard, recognizes and appreciate the joint collaboration between Mexico and Argentina to produce and pack vaccines against COVID-19 which are already being distributed in the region, the development, production and supply of Cuban vaccines (Abdala, Soberana 02 and Soberana Plus); as well as other current initiatives to research and develop vaccines in Mexico (Patria); Argentina (ARVAC Cecilia Grierson); Cuba (Soberana 01, Mambisa, Pasteur and PanCorona) Chile (PedCoVax); and Brazil (Butan Vac).
11.- Takes note of the WHA74(16) decision, in which it was agreed to the convening of an extraordinary session of the World Health Assembly from November 29th to December 1st 2021, in order to consider, among other items, the advantage of elaborating an agreement or other international instrument within the framework of the World Health Organization (WHO), regarding the preparation and response to pandemics, taking into account the report of the Working Group on Strengthening WHO Preparedness and Response, in accordance with the analysis and categorization of the recommendations made by the Independent Panel on Pandemic Preparedness and Response (IPPPR), the Independent Oversight and Advisory Committee for the WHO Health Emergencies Programme (IOAC), and the Examination Committee for the International Sanitary Regulations (ISR 2005).
RELATED CONTENT: CELAC: Latin America’s Greatest Strength is Its Unity in Its Diversity
12.- Appreciates the close collaboration and support provided by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) for the publication of the “Report on the Economic Impact of Coronavirus Disease in Latin America and the Caribbean (COVID 19)” and the “Comprehensive Health Self-Sufficiency Plan”, focused on strengthening production and distribution capacities for vaccines and medicines in the region. Supports the Declaration signed between the Pro Tempore Presidency of CELAC, held by Mexico, and the Executive Secretariat of ECLAC, for the creation of the CELAC Fund for comprehensive response to disasters, which will benefit the Member States.
13.- Takes note of the report on “Food Security under the COVID-19 pandemic”, presented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), which complements the CELAC Food Security, Nutrition and Hunger Eradication Plan 2025 (SAN-CELAC). Appreciates the progress of the FAO-China South-South Cooperation Program for recovery and response to the impact of COVID-19 on rural livelihoods and food systems in CELAC countries. Commits to strengthen cooperation to achieve, accordingly, more efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable food systems in order to improve the production, nutrition, environment and the quality of life in the CELAC countries, leaving no one behind.
14.- Recognizes that education is a core element for the sustainable development of its countries and its region, which must be inclusive, equitable, of quality, include gender perspectives and which takes into account an intercultural approach according to the characteristics of each member States of the Community. Likewise, renews its commitment to promoting public policies and regional programs that guarantee access to education for all the people in its countries, in line with all the provisions of Goal 4 of the 2030 Agenda, seeking to particularly address the inequality in education and social gaps exacerbated by the COVID19 pandemic, as well as the digital gap, and the disproportionate impact on women and girls, indigenous peoples, natives and Afro-descendants looking for taking back the right to education for all.
15.- Commits to continue promoting a multilateral trade system, based in rules, open, non-discriminatory and equitable within the framework of the World Trade Organization, and hopes to achieve positive outcomes on the 2021 12th Ministerial Conference of the Organization. Including among others, agreements for fisheries subsidies and the discussions regarding the agricultural trade rules.
16.- Welcomes the Political Declaration of the Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly 2021 against Corruption, which established important commitments to effectively address the challenges and to apply measures to prevent and combat corruption, as well as to strengthen international cooperation efforts. Reaffirms its commitment to the United Nations Convention against Corruption and its Review Mechanism, and reiterate its commitment to the Joint Declaration emanating from the IV Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities on the Prevention and Fight against Corruption, held in Mexico City on November 25, 2020, and we will join efforts to eradicate corruption from Latin America and the Caribbean.
17.- Affirms its commitment to advance the eradication of poverty in all its forms, especially extreme poverty, as well as inequality in all its dimensions, both circumstances aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic, as an indispensable requirement for sustainable development and to guarantee an inclusive and fair economic and social recovery, in the face of the current crisis caused by the adverse consequences of the pandemic. Likewise, affiliated projects should be promoted to enable the organization of the informal population and their transition to formality and social security coverage.
18.- Calls on the various regional and international financial institutions to continue deploying an effective response to the impact of the pandemic, in order to accelerate an inclusive, equitable and sustainable economic and social recovery for the countries of the region, with the effective presence of States and the implementation of mechanisms to ensure transparency and accountability of development financing to countries as necessary. Calls on these institutions to guarantee sustainable financing mechanisms for development, climate change and nature to the respective countries, considering their structural distinctive features, like the condition of the landlocked developing countries, as well as the promotion of a set of complementary measures that take into account the improvement of conditions for debt servicing, the recognition of the needs for financing in flexible conditions to improve the infrastructure of low and middle-income countries. Supports the promotion of a set of complementary measures that include the improvement of the conditions in the debt treatment, including the possibility for renegotiation of the conditions of debt payment for middle income countries that so request it. Makes an urgent call for the review of access and charge policies of financial support loans of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), especially considering the specific needs of each country in the context of the current pandemic to contribute to the financing for countries most in need, keeping simultaneously the financial strength of the institution.
19.- Makes a call to the IMF to ensure timely access to the Special Drawing Rights (SDRs). Supports the immediate establishment of redistribution mechanisms of SDRs for all vulnerable countries, including those that are middle-income countries. This will allow for a more expeditious, fair, inclusive, and equitable economic recovery in its region, ensuring the efficient use of financial resources and allowing to address the multiple needs derived from the pandemic and its negative effects on the world economies. Takes note of the recent advances in restructuring with bilateral creditors, but stress the importance of moving towards the establishment of a more complete mechanism for the treatment of sovereign debt, even with private creditors. Supports the use of universal and multidimensional index to measure vulnerability and its application to determine access to concessional financing for low and middle-income countries. Envisages the strengthening of multilateral development banks of Latin America and the Caribbean, promoting the generation and distribution of financial resources with soft conditions and in projects that contribute to the sustainable development of the region.
20.- Reiterates its rejection of the application of unilateral coercive measures contrary to international law and reaffirms its commitment to the full validity of international law, the peaceful settlement of disputes and the principle of nonintervention in the internal affairs of States.
21.- Reaffirms its commitment to guarantee full respect for democracy and citizen participation, the rule of law, as well as unrestricted respect for human rights, including the right to development and the right to peace, in a sustainable and inclusive development model focused on economic, social and environmental dimensions, which places people at the center of its policies, in order to contribute to the recovery of the region in the face of the impacts of the COVID19 pandemic.
22.- Recognizes that young people constitute a significant segment of its populations, commit to provide them with greater opportunities, and supply them with the skills and knowledge necessary to achieve their desired goals and facilitate their full participation in the decision-making processes in the sustainable development of its societies.
23.- Affirms its commitment to promote gender equality, as well as the necessary conditions to achieve the full exercise and enjoyment of fundamental freedoms and all human rights; to comply with the Sustainable Development Goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda – in particular SDG 5 – and especially, to implement public policies that promote the economic autonomy of women through their greater participation in the labor market and scale entrepreneurship, and access to hierarchical and decision-making positions. Endorses its commitment to guarantee the equality, freedom, rights and participation of indigenous women and Afro-descendants, as well as their inclusion in all public policies. Reiterates its commitment to continue working towards the eradication of all forms of violence and discrimination, particularly against women and girls, in the public and private spheres and in the labor market which affects their economic empowerment, recognizing the full and effective implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, as well as the fulfillment of the obligations under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and the Convention of Belém do Pará and other international obligations of which its countries are party of. Committed to the promotion of gender equality, decent work and the seek to eradicate child labor from its region as part of the actions aimed at prioritizing the rights of girls, boys and adolescents as subjects of law.
24.- Expresses its commitment to respect, promote and protect the human rights of all people with special attention to groups in situations of vulnerability and discriminated against. Reaffirms that all people are born free and equal in dignity and rights, without any form of discrimination based on their sex, religion, race, national origin, political opinion, age, disability, language, sexual orientation or any other nature, in accordance with the national laws of each country.
25.- Welcomes the establishment of the Permanent Forum on People of African Descent, through resolution 75/314 adopted on 2 August 2021 by the United Nations General Assembly, as a consultative mechanism and advisory body to the Human Rights Council. Recalls the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 68/237, adopted on December 23, 2013 proclaiming the International Decade for People of African Descent 2015-2024 with the theme “Afrodescendants: recognition, justice and development.” As well as the adoption of UNGA resolution 75/170, adopted on December 16, 2020, proclaiming August 31 as the International Day for People of African Descent.
26.- Reaffirms its commitment to the respect of the rights of indigenous, native and Afro-descendants, recognizing their contribution to the development, plurality, and cultural diversity of its societies. Commits itself to generate public policies with intercultural perspective, considering the important need to eliminate all forms of discrimination they face. Likewise, assumes the joint effort for assuring that these peoples have fair and equal access to medicines and health supplies, as well as to vaccines against COVID-19 and other infectious and contagious diseases, recognized and applied in the countries of the region.
27.- Welcomes with pleasure the Resolution 74/135 of the United Nations General Assembly, which proclaims the period 2022 – 2032 as the International Decade of Indigenous Languages and take note of the Declaration of Los Pinos (Chapoltepek) – “Building a Decade of Action for Indigenous Languages”, adopted at the high-level event “Building a Decade of Action for Indigenous Languages”, held in Mexico on February 27 and 28, 2020. Expresses its support for the early establishment of the Ibero-American Institute of Indigenous Languages (IIALI) as a firm commitment of CELAC for the use, promotion, preservation and revitalization of indigenous peoples’ culture and languages, in all spheres.
28.- Commits itself to continue working within the framework of International Law, and in particular, the Resolution 1514 (XV) of the United Nations General Assembly of December 14th, 1960, to achieve that the Latin American and Caribbean region be a territory free of colonialism and colonies.
29.- Reiterates the firm regional support for the legitimate rights of the Argentine Republic in the sovereignty dispute over the Malvinas Islands, South Georgias and South Sandwich Islands and the surrounding maritime areas, as well as the permanent interest of the countries of the region in the resumption of negotiations between the Argentine Republic and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in order to find, as soon as possible, a definitive and peaceful solution to this dispute, pursuant to the provisions of Resolution 31/49 of the United Nations General Assembly.
30.- Reiterates that the transatlantic slave trade and the indigenous genocide in the region were heinous crimes against humanity, and acknowledging the efforts made to date in seeking to establish compensatory and reparatory effective resources and measures at the national, regional, and international levels, including the efforts of the CARICOM Reparations Commission, in accordance with the Durban Declaration. Recognizes that such injustices have had a negative effect in the regional development, particularly for indigenous and frodescendant people. Therefore, it calls for greater dialogue with extra-regional partners to address the multiple secondary development challenges, considering the vulnerable conditions present in the region.
31.- Reaffirms its commitment to protect the human rights of migrant persons, to promote comprehensive regional efforts to strengthen effective migration governance, under the principles of a responsible, secure, organized and regular migration; working to eradicate the causes of irregular migration, facilitating the pathways for migratory regularization, based on a cross-cutting approach that places migrant persons, the protection of their human rights and socialeconomic integration at the center.
32.- Calls to take account on the current situation, to intensify the coordinated work in order to manage migratory movements in the region, in order to ensure the protection of Human Rights, for a dignified and secure reception of returned people.
33.- Rejects the criminalization of irregular migration and of all forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia, hate speech and other related forms of discrimination and intolerance against migrants and persons requesting refuge.
34.- Recognizes that only by these means and through cooperation and information exchange between its countries, will the processes that optimize the multiple benefits that migratory cycles imply for the countries of origin, transit and destination and return be successfully implemented. Likewise, recognize the institutional efforts and joint initiatives aimed at strengthening the international protection systems of transit and destination countries throughout the region, to guarantee the right of individuals to request the international protection contemplated in international refugee law.
35.- Ratifies its highest political commitment in the fight against climate change, desertification, pollution, deforestation, defaunation and biodiversity loss, as urgent challenges facing humanity, to achieve balance between the economic, social, and environmental needs of present and future generations. Takes note of the latest report from the Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Climate Change (IPCC) on the contribution of “Working Group I: Physical Bases” on Climate Change as part of its 6th Assessment Cycle, and in that sense, expresses the need to promote sustainable development in harmony with nature, taking into consideration that its countries are located in a region highly vulnerable to the impact of climate change.
36.- Urges developed countries to comply with their financing commitments in all multilateral environmental agreements, in terms of mitigation, adaptation, loss and damage, and facilitate accessible conditions to financial resources ensuring technology transfer, construction, and capacity development, in favorable and even preferential conditions. In this regard, it reiterates its support for addressing urgent environmental challenges by, among other measures, the promotion of approaches based on ecosystem and environmental functions and/or other solutions based on nature, in a manner that promotes the socio-economic wellbeing and growth, a considerable increase in the share of renewable energy in the energy mix and its access for all people and food security, including the recognition and strengthening of traditional knowledge of indigenous peoples and local communities, with their free, prior and informed consent, considering that they have always contributed to the conservation of biological diversity.
37.- Commits to combat climate change and increasing climate ambition in its Member States in accordance with the goals of the Paris Agreement the principles of equity and common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities. Likewise, reaffirms the need to consider different national circumstances and call for the implementation of urgent measures to promote mitigation, adaptation and resilience, minimizing loss and damage related to the adverse effects of climate change, and to facilitate access to international climate finance, including the fulfillment of the commitment for the provision and mobilization by developed countries of 100 billion dollars annually aimed at supporting developing countries from 2020 until 2025. In addition, it urges that a considerable part of this amount be channelled, in the form of concessional financial resources or donations. To meet this challenge, it is also urgent that during COP26 the deliberations on the new quantified goal of climate finance for developing countries will be initiated, through the adoption of an agenda item and a decision with clear objective, schedule and milestones of the negotiation process until 2024. It underscores the need for improving the quantity, quality, access, foreseeability and efficacy of climate action financing; increasing resources for adaptation in a manner that maintains a balance with mitigation in the allocation of climate finance and in accordance with the needs and priorities of developing countries.
38.- Highlights the need to establish common strategies to strengthen the coordination on disaster risk reduction and management, humanitarian assistance, recovery and resilience, based on the mandates of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 and the guiding principles of International Humanitarian Assistance approved by Resolution 46/182 of the United Nations General Assembly. In this regard, it supports the establishment of a voluntary fund to facilitate a better regional response to disasters.
39.- Ratifies the character of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in its region. It reaffirms that a world without nuclear weapons is fundamental for the fulfillment of the priority objectives of humanity such as peace, security, development, and the protection of the environment; as well as the urgent need to achieve the total elimination of nuclear weapons. It also recognizes the entry into force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, on January 22, 2021, and its contribution to the nuclear disarmament regime. In this sense, it calls for redoubling efforts to advance in concrete steps that will set us closer to the ultimate goal of a world without nuclear weapons.
40.- Reaffirms that World Drug Problem is a common and share responsibility, which has to be address in accordance with the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961, amended by the 1972 Protocol, the Convention on Psychotropic Substances of 1971, and the United Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of 1988, which constitute the core of the international drug control system, and other relevant international instruments, within a multilateral environment and through a stronger and more effective international cooperation. It demands a comprehensive, multidisciplinary, balanced, sustainable, wide, respectful of human rights and scientific-based approach, with mutually reinforced measures. It recognizes its commitment with the results from the XXX Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly, regarding the World Drug Problem, of April 2016 in New York, and underscore its joint commitment to address and counter efficiently the World Drug Problem.
41.- Reiterates its profound rejection of all acts of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, regardless of their motivations, financing, location and perpetrators. It reiterates its concern about violent extremism that may lead to terrorism. It emphasizes its commitment to strengthen international cooperation, including based on mutual legal assistance and strengthen regional mechanisms to combat the financing of terrorism, including money laundering, which are directly related to Transnational Organized Crime. It reaffirms the need to deny shelter, freedom of operation, movement, recruiting and financial, material or political support to terrorist groups or to anyone who facilitates financing, planning, or preparation of terrorist acts, or participate or try to participate in these activities, and renew its commitment to take concrete actions needed to ensure that its territories are not used to locate terrorist facilities or training camps, neither to prepare or organize a terrorist act or acts against other states or their citizens, or to incite to the commission of it. Reiterating its rejection to the application of unilateral coercive measures, contrary to international law, including lists and certifications that affect Latin American and Caribbean countries.
42.- Underscores the importance of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), including the Internet, as tools to foster peace, human well-being, development, knowledge, social inclusion and economic sustainable growth. It reaffirms the peaceful use of ICTs and urge the international community to avoid and refrain from unilateral acts that are not compatible with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and International Law, such as those aimed at subvert societies or create situations that could potentially generate conflicts among states. At the same time, it also stresses that the use of ICTs do not violate personal data and privacy rights.
43.- Welcomes the creation of the Latin American and Caribbean Space Agency (ALCE) with the aim to strengthen regional capacities and to foster cooperation, collaboration, research, technology transfer and development, between Latin American and Caribbean States for the development of activities of exploration and use of Outer Space for peaceful purposes.
44.- Highlights the commitment, support and progresses that facilitated the conclusion of the reflection process on July 24, 2021, in the framework of the XXI Meeting of Foreign Ministers of CELAC, held in Mexico City; and take note of the lessons learned in this process for the revitalization of its Community, through the implementation of the work plans carried out by the Pro Tempore Presidency, held by Mexico during the 2020 and 2021 biennium, and the efforts to contribute to the strengthening and positioning of Latin America and the Caribbean in the current regional and global political context, and continue to speak out as a region in the United Nations and other multilateral forums, when appropriate and without detriment to the existing concertation groups, on issues of interest and relevance to the Member States of the Community, as well as to present, when possible, joint and consensual initiatives in those cases where it is Required.
The CELAC member States express their deepest gratitude to the people and government of Mexico for the excellent reception they provided and the successful hosting of the VI Summit of Heads of State and Government of CELAC, held in Mexico City on September 18, 2021.
Featured image: 6th CELAC Summit’s family photo. Photo courtesy of the Mexican Secretary of Foreign Relations.
(Mexican Secretary of Foreign Relations)
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- Orinoco Tribune 2https://orinocotribune.com/author/yullma/February 14, 2025
- Orinoco Tribune 2https://orinocotribune.com/author/yullma/February 14, 2025
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