Monday, June 27, the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE) rejected President Guillermo Lasso’s recent announcement that, in response to the 15-day national strike, the country would reduce the cost of various fuels by 10 cents per gallon.
CONAIE branded the measure as “insufficient and insensitive, since it does not sympathize with the situation of poverty faced by millions of families.” CONAIE stated that it would confer with its supporters to formulate a clear position in the coming days.
The organization that has led the protests warned that, despite persecution, criminalization, and the repressive response of the state, demonstrators will remain firm in order to demonstrate the legitimacy of their struggle.
Protesters were expected to concentrate today in the historic center of Quito.
Inmensa marcha por los resultados y la dignidad se dirige hacia el Centro Histórico de Quito en el 15 día de #ParoNacionalEC#conaie
— CONAIE (@CONAIE_Ecuador) June 27, 2022
“Our struggle does not cease,” read a statement issued by CONAIE earlier today. “Despite the threats to criminalize and persecute us, we remain firm in our conviction, so that in Ecuador a dignified life is not the privilege of a few.”
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Via a national televised address, on June 26 Lasso declared that he had ordered lower prices for gasoline and diesel in the oil-producing former OPEC country.
According to Lasso’s decree, the rate will drop by 10 cents per gallon for Extra and Ecopaís gasoline, and the maximum price of these products will be $2.45 per gallon, while the maximum cost of diesel will be $1.80 per gallon, Prensa Latina reported.
The measure may be reviewed, depending on Ecuador’s economic situation and public finances. Likewise, the regulation specifies that the Agency for the Regulation and Control of Energy and Non-Renewable Natural Resources will control the application of this Executive Decree, and will guarantee normal supply at the national level.
The announcement comes after weeks of intense clashes between Indigenous communities, peasants, and law enforcement agencies accused of using excessive use of force against protesters.
The elimination of gasoline and diesel subsidies triggered an 11-day strike in October 2019, in which police repression left at least eight dead, 1,340 injured and a thousand detained.
CONAIE insists that its initial demands be fulfilled before it calls a halt to demonstrations. These demands, accepted by other social sectors also, include a greater budget for education and health, attention to agriculture, prohibiting illegal mining, credits, a moratorium on debts, halting the privatization of public companies and services, respect for collective bargaining rights, and an effective fight against insecurity.
Lasso impeachment debate
The National Assembly of Ecuador suspended until June 28 a debate on the impeachment request filed against President Guillermo Lasso.
The president of the Parliament, Virgilio Saquicela, summoned the Ecuadorian legislators for next Tuesday to resume discussion of the impeachment request.
Con 80 votos el #PlenoLegislativo aprueba la propuesta de la legisladora @Eguzmanurresta, para solicitar la comparecencia de @CarrilloRosero, del @MinInteriorEc, y #LuisLaraJaramillo, de @DefensaEc, a fin de que informen sobre la actuación en el paro.
— Asamblea Nacional (@AsambleaEcuador) June 23, 2022
When Saquicela made the decision to suspend the session for the second time, 68 legislators from different benches had already spoken. The plenary session for this topic began on Saturday, June 25, at 6:30 p.m. It was suspended at 1:45 a.m. on Sunday, resumed at 4:00 p.m., and was suspended again at 11:30 p.m on Sunday.
#PlenoLegislativo | El presidente @VSaquicelaE, luego de 71 intervenciones, suspende la sesión No. 782, hasta las 11h00, del martes 28 de junio de 2022.
— Asamblea Nacional (@AsambleaEcuador) June 27, 2022
Saquicela pointed out that the session could not be resumed on Monday due to the appearance of the ministers of the interior, Patricio Carrillo, and the miniter of defense, Luis Lara, to report on the actions of the Police and Armed Forces during the national strike.
The request to remove President Guillermo Lasso was put forth by the Union for Hope (Unión por la Esperanza, or UNES) parliamentary coalition, due to the “serious political crisis and internal commotion” of the national strike.
Ironically, by failing to endorse Lasso’s opponent Andrés Arauz in Ecuador’s 2021 presidential elections, CONAIE’s political arm, Pachakutik, played a key role in Lasso’s victory.
Translation: Orinoco Tribune
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