On Sunday, July 18, renowned MintPress News journalist Alan MacLeod exposed the anti-Cuba fake news operation launched by Fox News in the United States. He revealed the true messages on posters displayed by protesters in support of the Revolution on the streets of Havana. Fox News network had tried to distort reality in Cuba by using a video with blurred banners to present a demonstration in favor of the Cuban government as a demonstration against it.
”Fox News’ editors blurred out the signs at what they claimed were ‘anti-government’ demonstrations in Cuba because they said things like ‘Long live the Cuban Revolution’ and ‘The streets belong to the Revolutionaries,'” MacLeod wrote on his Twitter account. Adding, “taking fake news to a whole new level.”
RELATED CONTENT: Russia Blasts US Bid to Provoke Unrest in Cuba as Part of ‘color revolution’
Fox News' editors blurred out the signs at what they claimed were "anti-government" demonstrations in Cuba 🇨🇺 because they said things like "Long Live the Cuban Revolution" and "The Streets Belong to the Revolutionaries." 😂
Taking fake news to a whole new level. pic.twitter.com/nSkE7JnDN0
— Alan MacLeod (@AlanRMacLeod) July 18, 2021
MacLeod provided a link to the TikTok video where he found the original images that showed the slogans were blurred afterwards. The German outlet DW published the video of the demonstration, and when reviewing the same angle of the demonstration, it revealed that the same banners previously blurred by the gringo media actually contained messages in support of the Cuban government.
MacLeod explained that the untouched images can be found on social media, and invited his followers to read his most recent article on MintPress News, titled ”The Bay of Tweets: Documents point to US Hand in Cuba protests.”
RELATED CONTENT: The Bay of Tweets: Documents Point to US Hand in Cuba Protests
Featured image: Exact moment when Fox News presented a video of a demonstration in Cuba as a rally against the government, when in reality it was a rally in support of the government. Fox blurred the pro-Revolution slogans on the banners. Screenshot of the video from Fox News.
(La IguanaTV) with Orinoco Tribune content
Translation: Orinoco Tribune
- September 8, 2024