Three helicopters, one plane and 3,000 liters of fuel were seized in Venezuela’s Guayana Region.
Domingo Hernández Lárez, head of the FANB Strategic Operational Command (CEOFANB), reported that members of the Bolivarian National Armed Force (FANB) seized three helicopter fuselages, one plane, and 3,000 liters of aircraft fuel in the Guayana region.
Hernández Lárez, in a tweet, explained that these vehicles and this fuel are used by criminal groups for “trafficking illegal mining and strategic materials.”
En la región de Guayana FANB incauta 3 fuselajes de helicóptero, uno de avión y 3000 Lts de combustible de avión, usados para el tráfico de minería ilegal y materiales estratégicos.
— GJ. Domingo Hernández Lárez (@dhernandezlarez) November 2, 2022
“The FANB will legally intervene against all criminals who, with weapons of war, subjugate the population and arbitrarily destroy environmental ecosystems, constituting a threat against sovereignty, territorial integrity, and human and environmental rights,” wrote Hernández Lárez.
La FANB intervendrá legalmente a todos los delincuentes quienes con armas de guerra someten a la población y destruyen arbitrariamente los ecosistemas ambientales, constituyéndose en una amenaza contra la soberanía, la integridad territorial y los Derechos Humanos y Ambientales.
— GJ. Domingo Hernández Lárez (@dhernandezlarez) November 2, 2022
FANB detains six subjects in Guayana
As part of the operations carried out in the Guayana region, the FANB arrested six citizens “with weapons, associated with criminal gangs, for illegal mining trafficking.”
Hernández Lárez said that during the operation a helicopter without any type of registration or legal permission to operate, used for criminal purposes, was seized.
En la REDI Guayana FANB detiene a 6 sujetos con armas, asociados a bandas delincuenciales de tráfico de minería ilegal e incauta un helicóptero usado en la estructura logística, sin ningún tipo de registro o permiso legal e identificación para operar.
— GJ. Domingo Hernández Lárez (@dhernandezlarez) November 2, 2022
Hernández Lárez described the FANB’s role as extending throughout the country to defend Venezuela’s sovereignty and protect its natural resources.
“FANB is deployed in the Roraima and Autana operations, in defense of Venezuelan Guayana and the Amazon, against forest predators and illegal mining,” Hernández Lárez wrote.
FANB desplegada en las operaciones Roraima y Autana, en defensa de la Guayana Venezolana y la Amazonia, contra los depredadores forestales y la minería ilegal !
— GJ. Domingo Hernández Lárez (@dhernandezlarez) November 2, 2022
(Ultimas Noticias) by Janna Corredor
Translation: Orinoco Tribune
Janna Corredor
- May 9, 2023