Hard Anti-Chavista María Corina Machado Loses it: Called Opposition Deputies Corrupt Thieves (Video)

Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
After analyzing the show between opposition groups in parliament for the last several days, María Corina Machado released all her hatred in a message published on social networks, calling opposition deputies corrupt thieves.
In the video Machado, besides launching her usual attacks against Maduro and the Bolivarian Revolution, says that “at this point it is hard to identify who is corrupt and who is decent”.
RELATED CONTENT: https://twitter.com/MariaCorinaYA/status/1215400244969689089
Implying that the entire problem is connected to money, she mentioned the money they stole in the National Assembly (AN), “there are too many people making a lot of money and that is why we have not been able to take them (Chavismo) out of power,” she added, while noting that the AN was always infiltrated by Chavismo and corruption.
In a new call for US intervention, Machado remarked that this is not an issue of legality or who controls the AN. In a philosophical twist she added that the legitimacy of the right wingers to get rid of the Bolivarian Revolution is based on “natural law” and the “their inalienable right to freedom.”
She ended the video clip saying: “a corrupt person will never fight corruption, an infiltrated person will sell us to the enemy.”
The reaction of opposition forces was immediate:
Es impensable perder la Asamblea Nacional; único Poder legítimo de Venezuela y desde donde hemos enfrentado a la dictadura a pesar de sus bestiales arremetidas. @MariaCorinaYa, Venezuela cuenta con todos, y tú eres parte de ese equipo, indiscutiblemente. Es hora de la unión! https://t.co/OHryiUzf8g
— Elimar Díaz G. (@ElimarDiazG) January 10, 2020
¡Nos negamos a entregar la Asamblea Nacional, así como los estudiantes se niegan a entregar la Universidad, así como los venezolanos nos negamos a entregar al país!
Luchando con nuestras propias manos o esperando la tan esperada ayuda, no hay opción de que bajemos los brazos. https://t.co/W7jGMiux0j
— Rafaela Requesens (@RRequesens) January 10, 2020
No acabo de entender tu mensaje, querida @MariaCorinaYA
Cómo que "si perdemos la @AsambleaVE no pasa nada"? Llevamos años peleando como leones para preservarla como interlocutor institucional legítimo en #Venezuela
Corruptos dentro? Claro, como en todas partes. Sáquenlos. Pero: https://t.co/YSnV0f6YYn— Beatriz Becerra 🇪🇦 (@beatrizbecerrab) January 10, 2020
Anti-chavismo frictions and divisions, especially because of money, created the conditions for Guaido not to be elected for a second year as AN Speaker. And after those events, Venezuelans are witnessing the disintegration of what is left of the opposition.