Aerial shot of the Essequibo River, part of the region disputed over by Venezuela and Guyana. Photo: Jon Williams.
Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
Aerial shot of the Essequibo River, part of the region disputed over by Venezuela and Guyana. Photo: Jon Williams.
The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, stated that the Venezuelan people will continue to respect the Geneva Agreement and pursue their historical struggle for the Essequibo region.
“The Venezuelan people will continue to struggle firmly and tirelessly in their defense of the historic Geneva Agreement and the territorial integrity of our nation,” President Maduro stated on social media on Thursday, April 6. “The truth is with us, the Essequibo belongs to Venezuela!”
Los venezolanos y las venezolanas seguiremos la lucha incansable y firme por defender el respeto al histórico Acuerdo de Ginebra y la territorialidad de nuestra digna nación. La verdad nos acompaña. ¡El Esequibo es Venezuela! pic.twitter.com/GRzz8igFtz
— Nicolás Maduro (@NicolasMaduro) April 6, 2023
President Maduro also shared on social media the official communiqué of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela that welcomed the recent ruling by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the Essequibo dispute. The ICJ ruling of Thursday validated Venezuela’s arguments against the United Kingdom’s unlawful and fraudulent conduct in the territorial dispute.
The document also reiterated that the Geneva Agreement is the only valid mechanism for resolving the territorial dispute.
International Court of Justice: Essequibo Dispute Can Be Resolved Without UK
Venezuelan Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino stated, “The FANB [National Bolivarian Armed Forces of Venezuela] reaffirms its commitment to guarantee the territorial integrity of Venezuela. We have historical and legal justifications and the will of the Venezuelan State to continue defending our legitimate claim over the Essequibo region. The Essequibo is ours!”
Desde la FANB reafirmamos nuestro compromiso con garantizar la integridad territorial de Venezuela. Tenemos razones históricas, jurídicas y toda la voluntad del Estado venezolano para seguir defendiendo nuestro legítimo reclamo sobre la Guayana Esequiba ¡El Esequibo es nuestro! pic.twitter.com/k7cBGjZayC
— Vladimir Padrino L. (@vladimirpadrino) April 6, 2023
Similarly, Foreign Affairs Minister Yván Gil stated that Venezuela has taken note of the ICJ’s incidental decision, which is of historical significance.
“Venezuela has taken note of the incidental decision of historical significance issued by the ICJ today and welcomes the ICJ’s recognition that the role of the United Kingdom to carry out the fraudulent arbitration in Paris in 1899 can be reviewed,” Gil said.
Venezuela ha tomado nota de la decisión incidental, de connotación histórica, emitida por la @CIJ_ICJ el día de hoy, y celebra que se reconozca que puede revisarse la conducta del Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña para perpetrar el fraudulento arbitraje cometido en París en 1899. pic.twitter.com/9RA7WSDB1n
— Yvan Gil (@yvangil) April 6, 2023
Earlier, Vice President Delcy Rodríguez, accompanied by Foreign Minister Yván Gil and Defense Minister Padrino López, read out the communiqué of the Venezuelan government ratifying its adherence to the Geneva Agreement signed in 1966 to settle the territorial dispute over the Essequibo region.
Venezuela Rejects Guyana’s Accusations of ‘Venezuelan Imperialism’ Regarding Essequibo Dispute
The text emphasized that Venezuela welcomes the judgment issued by the ICJ on Thursday recognizing the review of the unlawful and fraudulent conduct of the United Kingdom of Great Britain in stealing the region from Venezuela.
The statement also highlighted that the initiative reflects the validity of the 1966 Geneva Agreement, the mechanism that holds validity in settling the territorial dispute.
Venezuela will thoroughly evaluate the implications of the decision and will adopt all measures at its disposal to defend its legitimate rights and territorial integrity, Vice President Rodríguez stated.
Translation: Orinoco Tribune