Rubén Molina, Venezuelan Deputy Minister for Multilateral Issues, at the Migration Review Forum of the UN. Photo: Twitter/@ONUVENuevaYork
Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
Rubén Molina, Venezuelan Deputy Minister for Multilateral Issues, at the Migration Review Forum of the UN. Photo: Twitter/@ONUVENuevaYork
The Deputy Minister for Multilateral Issues of Venezuela, Rubén Molina, decried at the United Nations Migration Review Forum that the situation of Venezuelan migrants is being used as political propaganda or to beg for resources.
“Venezuela, with its peace diplomacy, condemns the criminalization of its migrants and their families,” Molina said. “We also condemn any approach that tries to treat migration as a business.”
The Venezuelan diplomat called for “those international agencies and bodies, governments and organizations that lend themselves to political instrumentalization, to be held accountable for their actions.”
“It is intolerable and immoral that they try to use humanitarian arguments to profit from human suffering,” he asserted.
Molina added that for decades Venezuela has received millions of migrants, who have received attention and social care, and have achieved economic prosperity in the country.
“In our country, millions of brothers and sisters of other nationalities are citizens having all rights, without discrimination of any kind,” Molina emphasized.
In this regard, he pointed out that at no time did Venezuela receive financial resources from any multilateral organization or foreign government to attend to the millions of people who migrated to Venezuela.
For this reason, he questioned the use of the situation of Venezuelan migrants for political propaganda or begging for financial resources.
Molina further objected that the situation of the migrants are used in the US-led aggression against Venezuela, despite the fact that the coercive sanctions imposed by the United States have been the principal cause of the current migration.
Acknowledging that in recent years there has been an increase in the migratory flow out of Venezuela, Molina commented that “it is an atypical migratory process, induced and of an economic nature.”
He pointed out that it is “the direct result of a policy of aggression that, based on the criminal imposition of 502 coercive measures, has sought to destabilize social peace, with the aim of overthrowing the constitutional government.”
Molina also expressed Venezuela’s firm condemnation of the criminalization and xenophobia that has been promoted against Venezuelan migrants, which have led to violent events in many countries.
Viceministro para Temas Multilaterales, Rubén Molina, participa en el Foro de Examen para la Migración de la ONU,ratificando compromiso de Venezuela con Pacto Global y DDHH de los migrantes al tiempo que rechaza la instrumentalización política y mercantil de la migración. pic.twitter.com/y4a09a6ZK3
— 🇻🇪🇺🇳Mission of Venezuela to the United Nations (@ONUVENuevaYork) May 20, 2022
Actions against xenophobia
This is not the first time that Venezuela has denounced xenophobia suffered by Venezuelan citizens in other countries.
The National Assembly of Venezuela created a special office to investigate cases and care for victims of xenophobic violence against Venezuelans in any country.
One of the countries where xenophobia against Venezuelans is most rampant is Chile.
Peru follows, with the most recent case of an 11-year-old boy, Jhoangel Zambrano, who was brutally beaten in a school, resulting in serious injuries.
In Colombia, Venezuelans continue to suffer xenophobic violence, where various government officials have branded Venezuelan migrants “criminals.” It must be remembered here that millions of Colombians, refugees of the seven decades-long civil war, live in Venezuela.
Featured image: Rubén Molina, Venezuelan Deputy Minister for Multilateral Issues, at the Migration Review Forum of the UN. Photo: Twitter/@ONUVENuevaYork
(Ultimas Noticias) by Ariadna Eljuri
Translation: Orinoco Tribune