300 New Cuban Doctors Reinforcing Covid-19 Battle in Caracas

Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
About 300 Cuban doctors from the Barrio Adentro Mission will be deployed in the Libertador municipality of the Capital District to reinforce the fight against Covid-19
These professionals have been received gradually since the middle of this month, Mayor Erika Farías reported this Saturday, estimating a third group will join them in the coming month of September.
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“They come to strengthen the work (of) “Barrio Adentro” to protect and care for our people,” not only with regard to the pandemic but also in other fields. Caracas is one of the hardest hit states in Venezuela in the number of reported Codiv-19 cases.
Vamos en perfecta unión para derrotar el COVID-19 de nuestra cuna libertadora. Así recibimos a los más de 250 Medic@s Cuban@s que estarán en los módulos de Barrio Adentro de Caracas ¡Que viva la unión y solidaridad de los pueblos! pic.twitter.com/tawjToIqzH
— Erika Farías Peña (@ErikaPSUV) August 29, 2020
On the other hand, Farías pointed out that they continue to work on the recovery and expansion of spaces to house mild, serious and asymptomatic patients.
The statements were offered during the reception of a group of doctors at the Sierra Maestra Comprehensive Diagnosis Center (CDI) of the “23 de Enero” parish.
She stressed that in total there are 46 Comprehensive Community Health Areas (ASIC) that exist in Caracas, three of them in the “23 de Enero”.
Featured image: Cuban medical personnel being greeted in one of Caracas’ barrios. Photo courtesy of “Alcaldia de Caracas.”
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Translation: OT/JRE