* Community councils will be incorporated into the security of the Caracas Metro

Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
The president of the Metro of Caracas, César Vegas, informed that the communal councils are being incorporated into the strategies of security and integral defense that will be applied in the Metro stations of Caracas and Buscaracas.
“In these meetings we are incorporating popular power through the Communal Councils,” said the authority, adding that the security structures of the 22 parishes of Caracas will be integrated to combat crime in the Metro system, said Vegas.
This organization will obtain information on people who commit crimes, robbery and thefts, in trains and units, in terms of peddling in the trains of the system, warned that we must eradicate this scourge that “only serves as a breeding ground for that criminal acts are committed within the facilities of the Metro, “he said and quoted in a press release from the Caracas Metro.
The committee is integrated by the Metro together with the Minister of Internal Affairs, Justice and Peace, Néstor Reverol, who has provided support with security plans to strengthen the work carried out by the system.
The work of the Bolivarian National Guard (GNB), the Bolivarian National Police (PNB), the Caracas Police, the Municipal Police of Sucre, the Scientific, Criminal and Criminological Investigation Unit (CICPC) are complemented by work tables on security issues. the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (Sebin), to guarantee integral security throughout the Caracas transportation system.
Translated by JRE