Four New Coronavirus Confirmed Cases Today in Venezuela – Zero New Fatalities

Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
Venezuelan minister of communication, Jorge Rodríguez, reported during the daily briefing carried out by the National Executive on the Covid-19 pandemic, that 4 new positive cases were diagnosed, all of them women and residents of Aragua state.
Rodríguez specified that a 39-year-old woman, sister of the patient who tested positive on Monday, April 13, tested positive for coronavirus in the Linares Alcántara municipality of this locality in the center of the country.
As of April 14, there are 193 confirmed positive cases of coronavirus in the country, of which 111 people have already recovered, 29 are confined in Comprehensive Diagnostic Centers (CDI), 23 in hospitals, 19 in private clinics and 2 in hotels. Rodríguez stressed that no patient is being cared for at home, following President Maduro’s instructions a few days back.
It should be noted that the total number of recovered patients is 111, which constitutes 57.5 percent of the total number of positive cases, making Venezuela the country with the highest rate of remission of the virus in Latin America. The recovered are people who do not have any symptoms for more than 5 consecutive days and that their results in the diagnostic tests are negative, Rodríguez said.
The figure of 9 people who died as a result of this pandemic in Venezuela remains stable.
If statistical variables handled in the pandemic are taken into account, such as deaths per million inhabitants and tests per million inhabitants, Venezuela is emerging as the best positioned country in the region. Regarding the first variable, the result is 0.4 percent and the second is 6,377, according to international data sources.
Translated by JRE/EF