Hospitals in Zulia State Being Refurbished (Covid-19)

Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
As part of the battle against Covid-19, the Zulia state government continues to strengthen and refurbish hospitals in the region, such as the Dr. Adolfo Pons Hospital, Chiquinquirá Hospital and the University Hospital of Maracaibo.
Through his twitter account, the governor of the Zulia state, Omar Prieto, reported on the work being done in the different health centers to care for patients in general but also for those with Covid-19.
1. En la batalla contra el #COVID19 continuamos fortaleciendo gracias al Pdte. @NicolasMaduro la infraestructura hospitalaria hoy #20J instalando 50 TN de A/A para climatizar áreas de Emergencia, Observación y Pediatria del hospital "Dr. Adolfo Pons".#3AnosChambaJuvenil
— Econ. Omar Prieto (@Omar_PrietoPSUV) June 20, 2020
He highlighted the work being done at the Dr. Adolfo Pons Hospital, where a 50 ton air conditioning unit is being installed to climatize the emergency, observation and pediatric areas of this health center.
He also announced that they are refitting the Chiquinquirá Hospital with an isolation area for patients with Covid-19. There they are repairing and putting into operation, a 60-ton cooler for air conditioning, partitioning, lighting, bathrooms, and windows, among others.
2. Igualmente, estamos adecuando el Hosp. Chiquinquirá con un área de aislamiento para pacientes con #COVID19 Allí, reparamos y colocamos en funcionamiento un chiller de 60 TN para la climatización, tabiquería, iluminación, baños, ventanas, entre otros.#3AnosChambaJuvenil
— Econ. Omar Prieto (@Omar_PrietoPSUV) June 20, 2020
He reported on the progress of the work being carried out in the emergency area of the University Hospital of Maracaibo, where units for more than 85 tons of air conditioning were installed, there is remodeling of floors 4 and 7 to serve patients with Covid-19, in addition to the work of the hospital police, the Bolivarian National Armed Forces and the volunteers of the Francisco de Miranda Front.
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3. Este esfuerzo se suma a la nueva Emergencia del Hospital Universitario, que inauguraremos en los próximos dias; mas 85 TN de A/A y adecuación de pisos 4 y 7 para atender a pacientes con #COVID19 policía hospitalaria, FANB y el gran voluntariado del FFM#3AnosChambaJuvenil
— Econ. Omar Prieto (@Omar_PrietoPSUV) June 20, 2020
4. Informar además que en estos momentos recibimos todo el equipamiento enviado por el Pdte. @NicolasMaduro para la nueva sala de emergencia del SAHUM, desde ventiladores mecánicos, monitores, camas para UCI hasta desfibriladores. Nosotros, siempre VENCEREMOS!#3AnosChambaJuvenil
— Econ. Omar Prieto (@Omar_PrietoPSUV) June 20, 2020
He also thanked the president of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro for all the equipment sent to the emergency room of the Autonomous Service of the University Hospital of Maracaibo (Centinela Hospital), where they received equipment such as mechanical ventilators, monitors, ICU beds and defibrillators.