“These days there has been an unprecedented attack on the right to information,” says the group of Journalists Ramon Barnils. This statement gives an account of the repressive actions of the National Police and the Mossos dʼEsquadra in Catalonia that since Monday October 14 have attacked 58 journalists.
Ahir divendres, 20:
– 14 per la policia (CNP/Mossos) (13 a Barcelona i 1 a Girona)
– 1 per manifestants d’extrema dreta (València)
– 5 per autors desconeguts (Barcelona)Recompte (provisional) actualitzat aquí:https://t.co/AtXbTYRXWI pic.twitter.com/D31Y5IWujZ
— Mèdia.cat (@MediacatCat) October 19, 2019
The Critical Observatory of the Media Mèdia.cat has recorded the aggressions suffered by journalists in the exercise of their work, between October 14 and 18, in Catalonia. According to the provisional total of the cases, the figures are as follows:
La policia espanyola dispara bales de goma i carrega contra un grup de periodistes identificats. Un periodista de l’@agenciaacn contusionat per una bala de goma, que no li ha fet ferides més greus per la màscara antigasos https://t.co/FBMwZRl6a3 pic.twitter.com/q5GTE30DUN
— ACN (@agenciaacn) October 18, 2019
-Monday, October 14: 12 injured journalists
-Tuesday, October 15: 11 injured journalists
-Wednesday, October 16: 13 injured journalists
-Thursday, October 17: 2 injured journalists
-Friday, October 18: 20 injured journalists
Els ultres radicals de Plaça Artós no deixen exercir la feina als periodistes i ens acaben de trencar la càmera. “No queremos prensa, solo queremos follaros” ha estat la justificació de l’agressor pic.twitter.com/VVPiM8aR2e
— Júlia López Romero (@julialopez_ro) October 17, 2019
Last Monday, October 14, the Supreme Court ruling on the trial of independent leaders was announced. Since then, there have been numerous and massive demonstrations in rejection of these sentences.
Gasos lacrimògens a Via Laietana. Costa respirar. Primers companys i companyes atesos i amb dificultats. pic.twitter.com/90p9vc8Zi8
— Martí Albesa (@MartiAlbesa) October 18, 2019
Translated by JRE/EF