After the victory of the left-wing candidate Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in the presidential elections held this Sunday, October 30, in Brazil various presidents and political leaders expressed their support on social media platforms and congratulated the leader of the Workers’ Party and now president-elect of Brazil.
Brazil’s Supreme Electoral Tribunal declared Lula the winner with 50.83%, represented by 59,563,912 votes, while Bolsonaro received 49.17%, represented by 57,627,462 votes, with 98.81% of total votes counted.
Venezuelan president, Nicolás Maduro, along with most presidents in the region and progressive leaders, celebrated the self-determination of the Brazilians who exercised their right to be free, sovereign and independent.
We have included their tweets below from when they were posted. From earliest to most recent, starting with the one from Colombian President Gustavo Petro who proclaimed “Viva Lula.” He was closely followed by Vice President Francia Marquez who wrote: “the Brazilian people once again gave their vote of confidence to Lula to whom I send an ancestral hug and extend my congratulations.”
Viva Lula.
— Gustavo Petro (@petrogustavo) October 30, 2022
From Argentina, Vice President Cristina Fernandez-Kirchner wrote: “Today more than ever, love and much happiness. Thank you Brazilian people. Thank you companero Lula for giving back happiness and hope to our South America.”
A few minutes later President Alberto Fernandez wrote: “Congratulations Lula, your victory opens a new momentum for the history of Latin America. A time of hope and optimism begins today.”
Hoy más que nunca, amor y mucha felicidad. Gracias pueblo del Brasil. Gracias compañero Lula por devolverle la alegría y la esperanza a nuestra América del Sur.
— Cristina Kirchner (@CFKArgentina) October 30, 2022
From Chile, President Gabriel Boric wrote: “Lula. Happiness!”
Lula. Alegría!
— Gabriel Boric Font (@GabrielBoric) October 30, 2022
The Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador wrote: “Lula won, blessed people of Brazil. There will be equality and humanism.”
Ganó Lula, bendito pueblo de Brasil. Habrá igualdad y humanismo.
— Andrés Manuel (@lopezobrador_) October 30, 2022
¡Felicitaciones @LulaOficial! Tu victoria abre un nuevo tiempo para la historia de América Latina. Un tiempo de esperanza y de futuro que empieza hoy mismo.
Acá tenés un compañero para trabajar y soñar a lo grande el buen vivir de nuestros pueblos.
— Alberto Fernández (@alferdez) October 30, 2022
Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel tweeted: “Dear brother Lula, I congratulate you in the name of the government and people of Cuba, who celebrate your great victory for unity, peace, and Latin American and Caribbean unity. Always count on Cuba.”
Estimado hermano Lula (@LulaOficial), te felicito a nombre del gobierno y pueblo cubanos, quienes festejamos tu gran victoria a favor de la unidad, la paz y la integración latinoamericana y caribeña. Cuenta siempre con #Cuba.
— Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez (@DiazCanelB) October 30, 2022
The former Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa posted on his Twitter account: “When they incarcerated Lula to forbid him to be candidate, they not only stole his freedom, they also robbed Brazil’s democracy. They did the same in Ecuador with an absurd ruling of ‘psychic influence.’ In Ecuador the people’s revenge will be bigger. Viva la Patria Grande!”
Cuando encarcelaron a Lula para impedirle ser candidato, no solo le robaron su libertad, también robaron la democracia a Brasil.
Lo mismo hicieron en Ecuador con una ridícula sentencia por «influjo psíquico».
En 🇪🇨 la revancha popular será aún mayor.
¡Viva la Patria Grande!— Rafael Correa (@MashiRafael) October 30, 2022
From Bolivia, President Luis Arce wrote: “Congratulations brother Lula, president-elect of Brazil. Your victory strengthens democracy and Latin American integration. We are certain that you will lead the Brazilian people through the path of peace, progress and social justice. Jallalla Brasil!”
¡Felicidades hermano @LulaOficial, presidente electo de #Brasil!
Tu victoria fortalece la democracia y la integración latinoamericana. Estamos seguros que conducirás al pueblo brasileño por el camino de la paz, el progreso y la justicia social.
¡Jallalla Brasil🇧🇷!— Luis Alberto Arce Catacora (Lucho Arce) (@LuchoXBolivia) October 30, 2022
Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro wrote: “We celebrate the victory of the Brazilian people who, this October 30, choose Lula as their new president. Long live the peoples determined to be free, sovereign and independent! Today in Brazil democracy has triumphed. Congratulations Lula! Un gran abrazo!”
Celebramos la victoria del pueblo brasileño, quienes este #30oct, eligieron a @LulaOficial como su nuevo Presidente. ¡Qué vivan los pueblos decididos a ser libres, soberanos e independientes! Hoy en Brasil triunfó la democracia. ¡Felicitaciones Lula! ¡Un Gran Abrazo!
— Nicolás Maduro (@NicolasMaduro) October 30, 2022
From Peru, a troubled President Pedro Castillo, who continues to resist a continued right-wing coup d’état since the very moment he won the elections, wrote: “Peru congratulates president-elect of Brazil, the companero Lula, worker, union leader, fighter. Your victory is fundamental to strengthen Latin American unity and social justice in the Patria Grande.”
El Perú felicita al presidente electo de Brasil, al compañero @LulaOficial, obrero, sindicalista, luchador. Su triunfo es fundamental para fortalecer la unidad de Latinoamérica y la justicia social de la Patria Grande.
— Pedro Castillo Terrones (@PedroCastilloTe) October 30, 2022
The right-wing president of Ecuador, Guillermo Lasso, wrote: “I congratulate Lula for being elected as president of the Federative Republic of Brazil. In democracy we will continue strengthening friendship and cooperation between our countries, for a better future for our fellow citizens. Our region keeps uniting in plurality.”
Felicito a @LulaOficial por su elección como presidente de la República Federativa de Brasil. En democracia, seguiremos fortaleciendo la amistad y cooperación entre nuestros países, por mejores días para nuestros ciudadanos. Nuestra región se sigue integrando en pluralidad.
— Guillermo Lasso (@LassoGuillermo) October 30, 2022
The victory of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silvain Brazil is a major blow to United States and European attempts to revert progressive changes achieved during the first round of this century of socialist transformations. Led by such heroic figures as Hugo Chavez, Nestor Kirchner, Evo Morales, and Rafael Correa, among others.
Lula da Silva: Juan Guaidó ‘is Nothing Anymore in Venezuela’
After years of lawfare, or political persecution, prohibiting any possibility for progressive forces to achieve electoral victories; years of aggression against progressive governments like those of Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela, the people of Brazil are sending a strong signal to the Empire that they won’t fall for their anti-communist propaganda and the “smear campaigns.” A signal, that the Brazilian people want economic stability and Latin American unity.
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