Maduro to UN Human Rights Council: US Sanctions ‘Flagrantly Violate International Law’

Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
This Monday morning, February 22, during the opening of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) session, President Nicolás Maduro reiterated that Venezuela remains firm in its position of not accepting “the interference or intervention of any inquisitorial mechanism against our homeland that pretends to use the just cause of human rights as a political tool for a change of government by force in our country.”
Venezuela is part of the UNHRC, therefore has a voice and holds a vote to in its sessions, now held virtually due to the pandemic.
RELATED CONTENT: Key Points of UN Special Rapporteur’s Preliminary Report on Venezuela
“Those who believe that Venezuela will diminish the cooperation achieved with the High Commissioner for Human Rights as a consequence of these ideologized provocations of a group of governments are mistaken,” said the Venezuelan head of state. “The Venezuelan State will work decisively with the actors of this Human Rights Council.”
“We have strengthened our cooperation with the United Nations in an integrated manner, with all its specialized agencies, programs and funds,” said Venezuela’s president. Maduro recalled that in September 2020, he renewed the Memorandum of Understanding with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights for one year, to continue strengthening cooperation and technical assistance links in the promotion and protection of human rights in Venezuela.
He mentioned the visit to Venezuela of United Nations Human Rights Rapporteur Alena Douhan who, following meetings with various sectors of the country, concluded that “the sanctions and unilateral coercive measures applied by the United States and the European Union, as a deliberate tool to achieve regime change in Venezuela, flagrantly violate international law and all universal and regional human rights instruments.”
“The report specifically recognized that these extraterritorial actions threaten the lives of the Venezuelan people, and the full enjoyment of the social and economic rights democratically won in the last two decades,” said President Maduro. “The rapporteur demanded the lifting of sanctions against Venezuela, the return of its assets, and the guarantee of access by the Venezuelan State to the resources that have been frozen around the world, as well as access to the global financial system.”
He denounced the hybrid war aimed at putting an end to an inclusive model, through actions of unbridled pressure including more than 450 unilateral and illegal coercive measures, and an economic blockade that has affected the capacities of the Venezuelan State and society.
“The hijackers of Venezuelan assets and resources have shown great cruelty by disregarding the calls of the international community of the High Commissioner, and have increased economic aggressions, generating a humanitarian crisis in a treacherous and premeditated manner,” he said.
The President also said that the pandemic “has highlighted the need to see health as a fundamental human right,” and he pointed out that “multilateralism is demonstrating that it’s the only possible method for overcoming global difficulties, and building better living conditions for the people.”
Finally, Maduro urged the Human Rights Council and the United Nations to guarantee the happiness, security and stability of humanity, through the change of the capitalist economic organization system for a system of justice and equity, built on the pillars of respect for human rights, social rights and International Law.
Featured image: Headquarters of the UN Human Rights Council (File photo)
Translation: Orinoco Tribune