Nicolás Guillén Foundation will Develop a Program of Activities for its 30th Anniversary

Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
By Ricardo Alonso Venereo – Jan 18, 2021
In the following months, the celebrations and information about the work of the Foundation’s academic, sociocultural-community, artistic, communication and editorial programs will continue.
Created in 1991, 30 years ago, with the aim of studying and disseminating the work and thought of our National Poet, the Nicolás Guillén Foundation (FNG), chaired by Nicolás Hernández Guillén, has prepared a program of activities that includes several actions linked to important events related to the spirit and the work of the Foundation.
According to the press release sent by the institution, this January the new identity of the Foundation and the image for its 30 years will be presented on social networks and in the media. In addition, the new headquarters of the FNG subsidiary in Las Tunas will be inaugurated, where its annual balance will be carried out and collaborators in the territory will be recognized.
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In the following months, the celebrations and information about the work of the Foundation’s academic, socio-cultural-community, artistic, communication and editorial programs will continue. There will also be book presentations from Ediciones Sensemayá; the raffle for the book In what quiet way, on the occasion of Valentine’s Day, and videos and infographics on gender strategies and strategies against racism and racial discrimination will be shown.
The animated capsules of Por el mar de las Antillas , made by the Directorate of Cartoons of the ICRT, and some documentaries and reports on the sociocultural work of the Foundation will occupy spaces on the networks .
As an integral part of the organization’s work for a year, they will continue to actively collaborate with the National Program to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination.
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The FNG note explains that as part of the activities planned for 2021, they wil prioritize the days for the closed anniversaries of two of the most significant texts of Nicolás Guillén: the 70 years of Elegy to Jesús Menéndez , coinciding with the 110 years of the birth of that worker leader; and the 90 years of Sóngoro Cosongo .
For the first of these tributes, they are preparing an extensive program that includes scientific panels, exhibitions, television capsules, a new edition of the Elegy a … that will be presented in different Cuban provinces, in unions and other organizations, as well as a systematic presence of it and Jesús Menéndez on social networks, which will culminate in December, when he will be 110 years old.
As for Sóngoro Cosongo, his tribute will be marked, above all, by cultural activities, in addition to the presentation of the book in various national spaces, a scientific panel, documentaries, television programs, interviews, etc.
The headquarters of the Nicolás Guillén Foundation is located at Calle 17 # 351 corner H, in Vedado, where the national leadership of Uneac is also located, an organization that the prominent poet and revolutionary intellectual founded 60 years ago and led for 25 years.
Featured image: File Photo
Translated by Walter Lippmann for CubaNews.