Several Arrested for Siege of Chavista Leader’s House in Barinas

Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
The Attorney General of Venezuela, Tarek William Saab, has informed of the arrest of several people responsible for the siege of the house of Chavista leader Atamaika Meneses, in Barinas state.
The attorney general mentioned the names of some of those responsible who already have arrest warrants against them. Among them are Yadira Nacar, Elijah Escobar, Victor Mendez, Rosa Pérez, Juana Linares, Joaquín Gómez and Jesús Quintero.
The detainees and their accomplices will be charged with crimes of disruption of peace, instigation of hatred and conspiracy.
2) Quienes asaltaron la casa de Atamaika Meneses (junto a sus menores hijos) con una turba de 200 personas #gritando q debía entregar la casa porque “ya los chavistas dejaron de mandar”: vociferando consignas de #odio como “Fuera ATAMAIKA, ahora sí te vamos a matar chavista”
— Tarek William Saab (@TarekWiliamSaab) January 21, 2022
The detainees, together with a mob of at least 200 people, assaulted the home of local Chavista leader Meneses, demanding that she hand over her house because “the Chavistas have stopped ruling.”
The mob approached Meneses’ house, in Rojas municipality in the Libertad parish, and started shouting hateful slogans and breaking part of a wall of the house.
“Atamaika out, now we are going to kill you Chavista,” was one of the slogans chanted by the mob.
Attorney General Saab stressed that these barbaric and discriminatory acts are prohibited by the Constitution and by international human rights laws.
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“An electoral victory cannot be turned into an excuse to harass, persecute and make death threats—like a belligerent horde—on political adversaries,” he added.
Saab urged for respect, harmony, dialogue and peaceful coexistence, and reiterated his commitment to investigate and punish acts like these that harm human dignity.
1) #AHORA #DETENIDOS para ser #Imputados por el Ministerio Público @MinpublicoVE en Barinas ( y con ordenes de #aprehensión ) Yadira Nacar, Eliecer Escobar,Victor Méndez, Rosa Perez, Juana Linares, Joaquin Gomez, Jesus Quintero, entre otros
— Tarek William Saab (@TarekWiliamSaab) January 21, 2022
It was social media users who raised the alarm over the siege of Meneses’ house, and published the video and condemned the hateful acts of the opposition.
During the siege, there were four minors, an elderly woman and a disabled child inside the house, who were terrified and are still in shock.
Featured image: Attorney General of Venezuela, Tarek William Saab, condemned acts of political violence in Barinas. Photo: Qué Pasa
(RedRadioVE) by Ana Perdigón
Translation: Orinoco Tribune