Spain: Neighbors and Activists Avoid the Eviction of a 92-Year-Old in Barcelona

Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
The police have been forced to suspend the eviction because it is not possible to take out one by one the people who were in front of the house door
Several dozen activists and residents of the Clot neighborhood of Barcelona have avoided this Monday the eviction of a 92-year -old man from his home, sitting in front of the door in peaceful resistance.
❌Una autèntica vergonya l'actuació dels mossos avui, amb càrregues totalment desproporcionades per desnonar un home de 92 anys!! 😡😡😡
Cal ser moltes més defensant el dret a l'habitatge per a que coses com aquestes no tornin a passar— Sindicat de Llogateres i Llogaters (@SindicatLloguer) January 20, 2020
Sources of the Mossos d’Esquadra (police) have informed Efe that the eviction has been suspended, for the moment, as it is not possible to take out one by one the people who were in front of the door of the old man’s house.
Estan executant el desnonament. Vergonya! Fora mercenaris dels nostres barris!
— Obs. Habitatge i Turisme Clot-CA (@ObservatoriClot) January 20, 2020
The Observatory of Housing and Tourism of the Clot-Camp de l’Arpa has indicated, in turn, in several tweets that the judicial execution of the eviction has been postponed until February 11 due to the tenant’s health status, with Dependency grade 2.
Featured image: Neighbors and activists avoid the eviction of a 92-year-old man in Barcelona (Observatori de l’Habitatge i Turisme del Clot Camp de l’Arpa)
Translated by JRE/EF