Poster of Zoom event with Rainer Shea organized by OrinocoTribune.com. Photo courtesy of Orinoco Tribune.
Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
Poster of Zoom event with Rainer Shea organized by OrinocoTribune.com. Photo courtesy of Orinoco Tribune.
NOTE: This discussion has now been concluded and can be viewed on Orinoco Tribune’s Youtube channel.
(Español abajo)
Caracas, September 6, 2021 (OrinocoTribune.com)—Rainer Shea (rainershea.com) is a fresh, unapologetic, and selfless contemporary Marxist-Leninist voice whose writings attempt to connect theory with reality.
Shea’s account with the online publishing platform Medium.com was suspended a few days ago. In January of this year, Shea was banned from Facebook. As a result, Orinoco Tribune felt it necessary to open a debate about a Marxist-Leninist approach towards propaganda and censorship, in conversation with Rainer Shea. We will discuss the viability of strategies that could move us towards a dictatorship of the proletariat in the today’s world. We do not plan to conduct a conventional interview, simply an open chat between Orinoco Tribune’s editor, Jesus Rodriguez-Espinoza, and Rainer Shea.
We hope to have a conversation in three “movements”: The first will focus on “propaganda,” and how to counter capitalist propaganda, playing within the rules of the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie—if this approach is possible.
Second, we will try to speak about “corporate censorship,” outlining some of the tricks used by the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, through its tools like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google algorithms, and so on, to counter Marxist-Leninist information, journalism, and writing.
The third movement will discuss how capitalism, with the help of liberals, some anarchists, and some purported progressives, has demonized the concept of the “dictatorship of the proletariat.” How can this concept be rescued and defended against the ongoing smear campaign?
(English above)
Conversatorio con Rainer Shea
Caracas, Septiembre 6, 2021 (OrinocoTribune.com)—Rainer Shea es uno de los escritores marxista-leninistas más prolíficos que intentan conectar la teoría con la realidad. Con un enfoque fresco, sin falsas posturas y alejado del egocentrismo.
Su cuenta Medium.com fue suspendida hace unos días y Orinoco Tribune considero necesario abrir el debate sobre un enfoque marxista-leninista claro de la propaganda en el mundo actual y cómo desde una estrategia clara trabajar para construir la dictadura del proletariado.
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No tendremos una entrevista, solo una charla abierta entre el editor del Orinoco Tribune, Jesús Rodríguez-Espinoza y Rainer Shea.
Esperamos tener una conversación en tres “movimiento”.
El primero sobre “propaganda” y cómo contrarrestar la propaganda capitalista jugando con las reglas de la dictadura de la burguesía, si eso es realmente posible.
En segundo lugar hablar de la “censura corporativa”, refiriéndonos a todos los trucos que está utilizando la dictadura de la burguesía para contrarrestar la necesaria propaganda marxista leninista a través de sus herramientas como facebook, twitter, instagram, algoritmos de google, entre otros.
Y el tercer movimiento se dedicará a discutir abiertamente cómo el capitalismo, con la ayuda de liberales, algunos anarquistas y algunos “progresistas” sectarios, ha demonizado el concepto y cómo deconstruir la campaña de difamación contra el concepto de la “dictadura del proletariado.”
Featured image: Poster of Zoom event with Rainer Shea, organized by OrinocoTribune.com. Photo courtesy of Orinoco Tribune.
Special for Orinoco Tribune by Jesus Rodriguez-Espinoza
Jesús Rodríguez-Espinoza is an expert in international relations, Venezuelan politics, and communication. He served for several years as Consul General of Venezuela in Chicago (United States); before that, he was part of the foundational editorial team of Aporrea.org. He is the founder and editor of the Venezuelan anti-imperialist news outlet Orinoco Tribune.