Featured image: A banner in Lugansk, saying "Thank you Russia!" February 23, 2022. Photo: TASS
Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
Featured image: A banner in Lugansk, saying "Thank you Russia!" February 23, 2022. Photo: TASS
Caracas, February 25, 2022 (OrinocoTribune.com)—The Venezuelan Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued yesterday an official statement clarifying its position on the current crisis between Ukraine and Russia after the Russian decision to recognize the People’s Republic of Lugansk and the People’s Republic of Donetsk, and support them in their legitimate right to defend themselves after more than eight years of paramilitary attacks by Ukraine that have cost the life of over 14,000 local residents.
Venezuelan President Nicolas Madudo posted the statement on his Twitter account and said, “Venezuela denounces the aggravation of the crisis in Ukraine as a result of the violation of the Minsk agreements by NATO. We call for the search of peaceful solutions to settle the differences between the parties. Dialogue and non-interference are guarantees for peace.”
Venezuela rechaza el agravamiento de la crisis en Ucrania producto del quebrantamiento de los acuerdos de Minsk por parte de la OTAN. Llamamos a la búsqueda de soluciones pacíficas para dirimir las diferencias entre las partes. El diálogo y la no injerencia, son garantías de Paz. pic.twitter.com/Y7N1lwZfpi
— Nicolás Maduro (@NicolasMaduro) February 24, 2022
“The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in accordance with its constitutional diplomacy of peace, expresses its best wishes for the peaceful resolution of this conflict, while rejecting the imposition of illegal sanctions and economic attacks against the Russian people that massively affects the enjoyment of their human rights,” reads the official document from the government of Venezuela.
Below is the official translation of the communiqué:
The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela expresses its concern at the worsening of the crisis in Ukraine and laments the mockery and violation of the Minsk Agreements by NATO promoted by the United States of America.
The derailment of these agreements has infringed International Law and has generated strong threats against the Russian Federation, its territorial integrity and sovereignty, as well as impeded good relations between neighboring countries.
Venezuela calls for a return to the path of diplomatic understating through effective dialogue between the Parties involved in the conflict to avoid escalation, reaffirming the negotiation mechanisms contemplated in the United Nations Charter, in order to preserve life, the peace of inhabitants of these countries and the stability of the Region.
The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in accordance with its constitutional diplomacy of peace, expresses its best wishes for the peaceful resolution of this conflict while rejecting the application of illegal sanctions and economic attacks against the Russian people that massively affects the enjoyment of their human rights.
Caracas, February 24, 2022
Featured image: A banner in Lugansk, saying “Thank you Russia!” February 23, 2022. Photo: TASS
Original for Orinoco Tribune by Jesús Rodríguez Espinoza
Jesús Rodríguez-Espinoza is an expert in international relations, Venezuelan politics, and communication. He served for several years as Consul General of Venezuela in Chicago (United States); before that, he was part of the foundational editorial team of Aporrea.org. He is the founder and editor of the Venezuelan anti-imperialist news outlet Orinoco Tribune.