Venezuelan Vice President, Delcy Rodríguez, announced this Sunday the detection of 12 new cases of Covid-19 in the country, for a total of 414 infections. According to the information offered by the vice president in a telephone interview brodcasted by Venezolana de Televisión, 11 of those cases are imported and 1 is by community transmission.
The cases are geographically located as follows: 2 in Táchira, 1 in Falcón, 1 in Carabobo, 1 in Miranda (community), 2 in Nueva Esparta, 1 in Bolívar, 1 in Monagas and 3 in Amazonas. Six of the cases are imported from Colombia, 5 are imported from Brazil and one is from the community.
Among other data provided by the vice president, it is worth noting that of the total cases registered so far, there are 193 recovered patients, 100 patients in sentinel hospitals, 93 patients in CDI, 18 patients in clinics, and the number of deaths due to infection is 10.
Detail of the cases
- The first case in Táchira state is a 42-year-old woman arriving from Bogotá. Quarantine was applied to her and, after the molecular test, she tested positive for the outbreak, so she was admitted to the Andrés Bello Comprehensive Diagnostic Center (CDI) in the region.
- The second case is a 32-year-old man who entered Venezuela on April 29 through the Táchira state, from the Nariño department in Colombia. He is asymptomatic and was admitted to a CDI.
- The third case of Covid-19 infection is a 29-year-old woman, born in Carabobo state, who entered Venezuela from Bucaramanga, Colombia, and after completing her quarantine, she underwent a molecular test that tested positive. She is asymptomatic and is at CDI Los Guayos.
- The fourth case is a 34-year-old man from Nueva Esparta state, a waiter by profession. He returned from Bogotá, Colombia and entered through the Zulia state assistance post on April 29. Test was applied and was negative. After the transfer to Nueva Esparta, a preventive test was performed. He tested positive. He was admitted in a local CDI.
- The fifth case is of a five-year-old boy from Nueva Esparta, who came from Bogotá on April 29, and after doing a molecular test as part of the epidemiological control, he tested positive and is in Hospital Narváez.
- The sixth case is a 38-year-old woman from the Falcón state, a teacher, who arrived on April 17 from Cúcuta, Colombia, entering through the Táchira state. After completing the quarantine, she was transferred to the Falcón state, where she underwent a molecular test and it resulted positive. She is in a CDI.
- The seventh case is a 23-year-old man from Monagas state, who arrived from Brazil on April 28. It was detected in Santa Elena de Uairén epidemiological check point. He is being held in a Caroni CDI.
- The eighth case is a 67-year-old woman from the Amazonas state. She entered the country from Brazil. A molecular test was detected as positive and was admited to a CDI.
- The ninth case is a 15-year-old adolescent from the Amazon state, who came from Brazil and, during the quarantine, the molecular test was applied and he tested positive. He is being held in a CDI.
- The tenth case is an 8-year-old boy who arrived from Brazil on May 5 with his family. It is from the Amazon state. After applying the molecular test, he tested positive and is currently in a CDI.
- Case number eleven this Sunday is a 77-year-old man from the Amazon state, who was diagnosed upon entering. He entered the country on May 5 from San Gabriel, Brazil, and is in a CDI under treatment.
- The last case is a 26-year-old man who belongs to the Cuban Medical Mission in Miranda state. By molecular test he tested positive and he is in a CDI.
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The vice president specified that the six cases in Colombia and the five in Brazil were detected in the epidemiological control, as part of the protocols recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). In this sense, she explained that the national government is “emphasizing imported cases, because we know that Colombia and Brazil are threatening sources”; 52 of the total cases are imported from Colombia, while 17 are from Brazil.
Of the total number of cases, detailed the executive vice president, 46.6% are recovered. 98% of cases are asymptomatic or present mild symptoms.
In the territorial distribution, Nueva Esparta has the first place in infections with 139; then followed by Miranda, Aragua, the Capital District and Táchira state.
Translated by JRE/EF
- September 12, 2024