Three More Mercenaries Captured by FAES in Colonia Tovar – US Led Bay of Macuto Mercenaries Operation

Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
Venezuelan Minister of Interior, Nestor Reverol, reported this Sunday through his Twitter account, about the capture in Colonia Tovar of three mercenaries members of Operation Gideon.
Three mercenaries captured today in Colonia Tovar
— Orinoco Tribune (@OrinocoTribune) May 10, 2020
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“A few minutes ago, three mercenaries belonging to the terrorist group that tried to carry out the frustrated maritime incursion last May 3rd in the Bay of Macuto, La Guaira state, were captured by the FAES in Colonia Tovar, in Aragua state,
Hace unos minutos han sido capturados por las #Faes tres mercenarios en la Colonia Tovar, en el estado Aragua, quienes integraban el grupo que pretendió realizar la incursión marítima frustrada el pasado #3May
— Néstor Reverol (@NestorLReverol) May 10, 2020
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They were identified as: Jairo Bethelmy, former First Lieutenant, Jonathan Franco and Evan Rincón, former sergeants. The search and capture operations by land, sea and air are ongoing until we capture all the members of that terrorist organization,” the minister posted, accompanied by a video and a photograph showing the mercenaries.
Translated by JRE/EF