Brazil: MST Families and Educators Plant 1,000 Trees in an Encampment in Paraná

Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
The action was part of the Training Course for the Pedagogical Collectives of the MST-PR Schools, which brought together 55 participants from 15 Schools in the countryside.
A thousand tree seedlings were planted at the Maila Sabrina camp, in Ortigueira, during the closing of the Training Course for Pedagogical Collectives of the Schools of the Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST) in Paraná.
The action is part of the National Plan “Plant Trees, Produce Healthy Foods”, launched by the MST at the end of 2019, with the goal of planting 100 thousand trees throughout Brazil, over 10 years. The planting involved the Landless families living in the community, together with the 55 educators participating in the course.
500 native trees and 500 fruit trees were planted in five areas of the encampment: in the school’s agroforestry, in the orchard, in areas of protection of springs and water wells, around the football field and the school.
During the planting planning process, it was decided that different nuclei of families will carry out the care for maintenance and cultivation of seedlings for their satisfactory growth and development. Trees in the school environment will be the responsibility of students and educators.
The mystical and political act of planting trees denounced the perverse and destructive logic of agribusiness and the mining market. Among other disasters, this logic was responsible for succumbing hundreds of lives to environmental crimes such as those that occurred in Brumadinho and Mariana, in Minas Gerais, with the contamination of water by pesticides, and the burning in the Amazon region, the Cerrado and the Pantanal.
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The community, educators and students also reaffirmed their commitment to the production of healthy food, life and the necessary care for nature’s common goods – land, water, biodiversity and minerals.
The Training Course for the Pedagogical Collectives of the MST Schools brought together members of the 15 Schools in the Agrarian Reform Areas of Paraná, between the 28th to the 31st of January.
The educators returned to their locations with the commitment to expand the educational work linked to the study of the practical and theoretical foundations of development of agroecology, and to multiply the planting of trees in the 12 municipalities in which they are present.
Source URL: Friends of the MST