Chancellor Arreaza Denounces More Attacks From Washington Against Venezuela

Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
On Tuesday, the Chancellor of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Jorge Arreaza, denounced new attacks by Trump’s regime towards Venezuelans, alleging that the final intention is “to prevent the country from receiving income to import food, medicines, treatments and supplies.”
Through his official Twitter account, the top diplomat shared a Reuters piece where it is revealed that “[T]ankers that traveled to load Venezuelan crude have turned back for fear of US sanctions.” This is a fact that serves as “concrete evidence of Washington’s criminal attack on the heart of the Venezuelan economy,” the Foreign Minister reported.
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“More concrete evidence of Washington’s criminal assault. They attack the heart of the Venezuelan economy to prevent the country from receiving income for oil exports thus affecting our import capabilities of food, medicine, treatments, supplies. And they do it amid the Covid-19 pandemic. An attack against all Venezuelans,” he wrote.
Más pruebas concretas de la agresión criminal de Washington. Atacan el corazón de le economía venezolana para impedir que el país perciba ingresos para importar alimentos, medicamentos, tratamientos, insumos. Y lo hacen en plena pandemia. Un ataque contra tod@s l@s venezolan@s.
— Jorge Arreaza M (@jaarreaza) June 9, 2020
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Venezuela is one of the several countries constantly and systematically attacked by the United States government, which, under its interventionist policy, tries to ignore the will and sovereignty of Venezuelans, inciting a change of government, for which it has used illegal coercive measures (US sanctions), ranging from the theft and illegal sale of Citgo, the blocking and freezing of the nation’s funds, to complicity in coup and mercenary plans.
Each of these events have been duly revealed by the Venezuelan authorities and denounced in international organizations, so that the assets of the nation, necessary to face the health reality as a consequence of the pandemic of the new Coronavirus, are returned.
Featured image: PDVSA’s oil tanks. Courtesy Reuters
Translated by JRE/EF