CNE board of rectors. File photo courtesy of CNE.
Orinoco Tribune – News and opinion pieces about Venezuela and beyond
From Venezuela and made by Venezuelan Chavistas
CNE board of rectors. File photo courtesy of CNE.
This Thursday, August 27, the authorities of Venezuela’s National Electoral Council (CNE) approved the definitive Electoral Registry (RE) in which 21,159,846 voters are authorized to vote in the regional and municipal elections on November 21, according to a statement by the electoral body.
According to the final updated numbers, the states with the largest electoral population are Zulia with 2,621,127 voters (12.39% of the total). Zulia is followed by Miranda, with 2,232,472 citizens, which is equivalent to 10.55% of the total, while the voters of the Capital district number 1,706,281, or 8.06% of the RE.
Voters in diplomatic posts are exempt from participating in these elections, in accordance with the provisions of Article 64 of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and Article 41 of the Organic Law of Electoral Processes.
According to the report presented by the Civil and Electoral Registry Commission, the registry includes 394,242 new voters.
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From the registry for use on November 21, there were 186,845 voters excluded as they were registered as deceased.
Voters registered abroad do not participate in the 21N elections, while foreigners with more than 10 years of residence in the country, registered in the Electoral Registry, are authorized to vote in these regional and municipal elections, in accordance with the constitutional provisions.
From the audit
The electoral registry approved by the electoral body was subject to an audit that began on August 3 with the installation of a technical agency, in which technicians from the CNE, Organizations with Political Purposes (political parties), Indigenous organizations and communities, and academic experts participated. The agency established the scope of the audit, the methodology, the innovations, and technical expertise to be applied.
As a measure of transparency for the Electoral Registry, a survey was implemented measuring voters’ satisfaction with the location of their respective voting centers. As established in the methodology, organizations with political purposes carried out data analysis, and witnessed the results of relocations.
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Similarly, for the application of the evaluation instrument used during the audit, using the preliminary Electoral Registry for the 2021 regional and municipal elections, of a random sample of 14,000 voters, 2,000 surveys were taken as a basis. The result of the survey showed that 96.60% of the voters expressed some degree of satisfaction with the voting center where they should vote.
During the second day of the ER audit, the Organizations with Political Purposes were presented with the process established for the analysis of the relocation movement request, validating their identity through biometric systems, and authorizing each case or claim, subsequently approved by the Civil and Electoral Registry Commission.
The technical evaluations showed that the voter data managed by the electoral body met the required standards, and that the deficiencies or vulnerabilities found did not represent a significant percentage, according to international standards.
Featured image: CNE board of rectors. File photo courtesy of CNE.
Translation: Orinoco Tribune